Danubius Hotel Hungaria ****

Bewertungen des Best Western Hotel Hungaria

Check in
ab 15:00 Uhr
Check out
bis 11:00 Uhr

Bewertung des Hotels

Aufgrund von 3539 Bewertungen
Dienstleistungen 4.8
Sauberkeit 4.8
Komfort 4.8
Location 4.8
Personal 4.8
Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis 4.8

Attila Varga (Alleinreisende)
01. Feb. 2020
Kulturált hely, jó kiszolgálás. Csak ajánlani tudom
Source: Google

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Kedves Attila Varga, Nagyon szépen köszönöm, hogy megosztotta velünk és a Google olvasóival értékelését a Hotel Hungaria City Centerről. Nagyon örülök, hogy szállodánknak sikerült megfelelnie az elvárásainak. Szeretném megköszönni Önnek, hogy ajánlja a szállodánkat másoknak is. Még egyszer köszönöm szépen a visszajelzését, alig várjuk, hogy ismét köszönthessük és elszállásolhassuk a hotelünkben. Üvözlettel, Csapó Béla Front Office Manager

01. Feb. 2020
Этот отель находиться в рядом с Восточным вокзалом. Если вы хотите воспользоваться железной дорогой - этот отель будет для вас идеальным. Поезда на Вену, Зальцбург, Прагу. Цюрих, Белград, Бухарест, Варшаву, Краков - отправляются отсюда. Ж/д билеты надо брать заранее. т к самые дешевые тарифы разбирают за 2 месяца до отправления. Если ваша цель отдохнуть в Будапеште - тоже удобный вариант. Рядом с отелем - метро, остановка троллейбуса и автобусов. А так же одна из остановок Красного туристического автобуса. Вокруг вокзала много кафе-забегаловок, обменников валюты и супермаркетов. Все - в соответствии со своим месторасположением. Нас это не смущало. И даже несколько раз выручало, т к на вокзале есть круглосуточные магазины. Наши дни были плотно расписаны. Мы хотели отдохнуть в Будапеште и съездить на несколько дней в Вену. И все это нам удалось. Отель Hungaria city center - типичная европейская гостиница. Номера - маленькие, скромные, но все удобное и функциональное. Холлы- просторные, персонал - дружелюбный, столовая - огромная, народу - всегда много. У нас были только завтраки. Ассортимент блюд приятно удивил : 4-5 видов кофе, фрукты в больших стеклянных тазах. сухофрукты. орешки - всегда. Выпечка - тает во рту. Нарезки сыра. колбаски - очень хороших сортов. Горячие блюда. каши. яичница - всего не перечесть. Мы сидели по часу - не надоедало. Отель рекомендуем тем, кого не смущает близость вокзала. В центр придется ездить на транспорте. т к пешком будет далеко. Если вы едете на неделю и больше удобно воспользоваться Единой проездной картой 7Daytravel card. Она стоит 4.950 форинтов. На все виды транспорта и речной трамвай. Это выгодно. т к 10 билетов в автомате стоят - 3 000 форинтов. Соотношение форинтов к рублю 4 :1 . Один рубль = 4 форинта. Удобно считать рубли разделив форинты на 4. Например, 10 тыс форинтов делим на 4 = 2.500 руб . Это примерно. Точно можно высчитать по курсу евро . 100 евро =30.500 форинтов. Вот и считайте. Мы делили на 4 и получалось примерная стоимость в рублях. Что бы понимать порядок цен. Кстати, о ценах . Они такие же как и в России. Или очень приближены. Набор продуктов - похожий. Цены на продукты - почти такие же. Получается что расход в Будапеште примерно такой же как на Родине. Мы питались в кафе и на Центральном рынке. Кафе полюбили - Паприка. Там гуляш ( венгерское нац блюдо: мясо в подливке) - 1.200 форинтов. Уха национальная - Халасле - 1.300 форинтов, галушки Шомлои - 800 форинтов. Только туда и любили ходить. Очень хорошее обслуживание. Интерьеры - под старинные венгерские избы. Из вин , самое распространенное - Токай. Мы его не пили, т к оно очень сладкое на наш вкус. Я люблю сухие вина. поэтому подсела на марку - Вилани. Из крепкого хорошая - Полинка. Знаменитый ликер - Уникум - вообще не знали куда деть. Очень сладкий, приторный, как сироп. Не понравился. Местное пиво перепробовали все сорта. На наш вкус, самое хорошее- Aprane Aszok. Плотное и крепкое. Попроще - Soproni. но тоже можно пить. Фуагра самая дешевая - на Центральном рынке. Там же брали и шонку. Это мясо в сетке. Его надо варить потом 1 час. Дома. Если будите выбирать венгерские колбаски, важно знать их слова про паприку. EROS - острая , EDES - сладкая. Еще на Центральном рынке я всегда покупаю Шафран. Такого шафрана я не встречала больше нигде. Ну и конечно же рай для гурманов - 2 этаж рынка. ТАМ НАДО ПОБЫВАТЬ !!! Молчу, молчу. Сейчас будут меня бить палками те, кто не любит еду. Побывать в Будапеште есть где. Мы были везде, где запланировали. кроме Парламента. В него не попали. Не было билетов. Надо бронировать их в интернете заранее. Что я рекомендую: Королевский Дворец, Рыбацкий бастион. Очень рекомендую Собор Богородицы ( Матьяша) , лабиринт. Мы брали машинки ( 7 евро) , фаникулер ( 6 евро) и ходили пешком. По -моему , первый раз лучше - машинки, т к они еще и по территории возят. А потом - уже на фаникулере. С него открывается красивая панорама Дуная. Пешком - вообще не советую. Большая потеря сил и времени. Если конечно, вы - не спортсмены. Еще рекомендую Вайдахуньяд - городской парк и Собор Святого Иштвана. Это все произвело на нас большое впечатление. Ну и конечно же. каждый вечер - в купальни. Сечени или Гелерт. Где мы еще побывали, но я не знаю рекомендовать это или нет . Я не первый раз в Будапеште. поэтому поехала посмотреть окраины. Мы взяли экскурсию "Излучина Дуная" - посмотрели провинции Венгрии. Потом поехали в Эгер ( центр католиков) - дорогой и престижный пригород ( типа нашей Рублевки) Может во второй или даже третий раз посещения Будапешта можно и их посетить. Если первый раз - лучше время не тратить. Возвращаюсь к отелю. Его я рекомендую . Если вы первый раз в Будапеште - возьмите красный экскурсионный автобус. На нем можно ездить с остановками целый день . Делать выходы - где захотите . И еще есть развлечение : автобус Ривер - райд - который ездит по суше и плывет по воде. Билет стоит 30 евро - 1,5 часа. Будапешт - очень красивый город. Его надо посетить хотя бы один раз в жизни!!!
Source: Tophotels.ru

Daniel (Alleinreisende)
30. Jan. 2020
Good: A reggelivel elegedett voltam, kozel volt a hotel a programjaimhoz. Minden oke volt :D
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Kedves Daniel, Köszönöm, hogy időt szánt arra, hogy értékelje a Danubius Hotel Hungaria City Centert, hiszen számunkra a vendégek elégedettsége a legfontosabb. Az értékelése alapján nagyon boldogok vagyunk, hogy ennyire sikerült megfelelnünk az elvárásainak. Szeretném megköszönni Önnek, hogy kiemelte a finom reggelinket! Reméljük, hogy a velünk töltött idő alatt sikerült feltöltődnie és pihennie. Reménykedünk benne, hogy hamarosan ismét vendégünkként üdvözölhetjük. Üdvözlettel, Csapó Béla Front Office Manager

Mert (Alleinreisende)
29. Jan. 2020
Good: Otel gayet merkezi bir konumda ve ulaşım çok kolay. Metro tramvay ve otobüs durakları 100 mt mesafede. Bad: Pencereler çok eski. dışarıdaki bütün ses pencere açık gibi odanın içinde.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Mert, As for a start, we are beyond thankful for your honest review. We are elated, that Hotel Hungaria City Center could manage to meet your requirements. Thank you for complimenting the location. On the other hand, we are sorry for the experienced unpleasantness. We will take your observations into consideration. It would be an honour to welcome you back again! All the best, Csapó Béla Front Office Manager

Χαρούλα (Alleinreisende)
29. Jan. 2020
Good: It was very clean,and perfect situation.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Χαρούλα Παύλου, Firstly, we appreciate your amazing comment regarding Hotel Hungaria City Center. It is such a delight to hear, how much you valued our hotel. Thank you for highlighting the neatness and the location. We would be pleased to host you again! Warm regards, Csapó Béla Front Office Manager

Stone74 (Alleinreisende)
28. Jan. 2020
Good: Központi helyen van, gyalogosan megközelíthető a keleti Puról. A szoba tiszta, elegáns. Az ágy kényelmes, a fürdő tiszta. A reggeli finom és sok volt. Bad: Ilyen ezen a helyen nem szokott lenni.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Kedves Stone74, Mindenekelőtt szeretném megköszönni, hogy megosztotta csodás gondolatait a Danubius Hotel Hungaria City Centerről. Nagy örömmel olvasom, hogy szállodánk megannyi aspektusa elégedettséggel töltötte el Önt. Igazán fantasztikus, hogy kihangsúlyozta hotelünk remek elhelyezkedését, a lakályos szobákat, valamint a finom és bőséges reggelit, mellyel kedveskedünk Vendégeinknek. Csapatunk mindig szorgosan dolgozik azért, hogy minden kedves látogatónk remekül érezze magát szállodánkban, így nagy örömünkre szolgál, hogy megannyi varázslatos élményben gazdagodott vakációja során. Reméljük, legközelebb is minket választ, ha Budapestre utazik, csapatunk mindig szívesen látja és szeretettel várja Önt és Családját. Szívélyes üdvözlettel, Csapó Béla Front Office Manager

Valera573 (Alleinreisende)
27. Jan. 2020
Bad: Все ок
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear VALERA573, Allow us to say thank you for spending time on rating Hotel Hungaria City Center. We are beyond happy to hear, that you had an enjoyable time at our hotel. Don’t hesitate to visit us again! Best wishes, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Traveler (Gruppe von Freunden)
26. Jan. 2020
veldig stort og renslig rom, men mye støy hørt biler som kjørte forbi .. veldig god frokost
Source: Expedia

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Guest, Thank you for having taken the time to rate your recent stay at the Danubius Hotel Hungaria. I am very delighted to learn that the room and breakfast were the major highlights of your stay. I very much hope to have the pleasure of welcoming you back in the near future and would like to thank you for choosing to stay with us. Best Wishes, Enikő Kovács-Guest Relations Manager

Tresz (Alleinreisende)
26. Jan. 2020
Good: A reggeli is nagyon finom volt, minôségi. Azonnal utántöltötték. Az ár-érték arány kiváló ! Nagy öröm, hogy rátaláltunk erre hotelre, mert menjünk akár munka miatt, vagy a reptérre tökéletes helyen van ès elég nagy ahhoz, hogy legyen szoba. Bad: Magyarországon 3 magyar csatorna csak a TV-n. de lagalább volt! :)
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Kedves Tresz, Ezúton szeretném megköszönni, hogy megosztotta pozitív gondolatait a Danubius Hotel Hungaria City Centerről. Szavakkal el sem mondható, mennyire örülök, hogy szállodánk megannyi részlete elégedettséggel töltötte el Önt, s hogy csodásan érezték magukat. Csapatunk szorgosan dolgozik, hogy kedves Vendégeink itt töltött minden perce kellemes legyen. Alig várjuk, hogy újra vendégül láthassuk Önöket – várjuk Önöket szeretettel! Szívélyes üdvözlettel, Csapó Béla Front Office Manager

Jaime (Alleinreisende)
26. Jan. 2020
Good: The view was nice! Easy to get to the airport from the hotel, which was a big plus. The bed was very comfortable and I appreciated the two separate comforters that were provided.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Jaime Leigh, It is promising to read your high rating you have given to Danubius Hotel Hungaria City Center and to the service you received. We are always doing their best to fulfill the expectations of the visitors. The satisfaction of our guests is priority to us. Thank you so much for highlighting our excellent location and your comfortable bed. We sincerely hope you enjoyed your stay with us and that you will come back to us. Kind regards, Béla Csapó Front Office Manager

Radek (Alleinreisende)
26. Jan. 2020
Good: Great breakfast! Near by metro. Fast check in and check out. Older, but clean place with everything what we needed for reasonable price. Bad: Faucets in the rooms could be renovated.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Radek, Thank you so much for choosing to stay at our Danubius Hotel Hungaria City Center and for taking your precious time to share your feedback about it. It is great that you were content with our hotel and you highlighted the great breakfast and the nice location! Your obersvations and suggestions are going to be taken into consideration! I hope that we will have the opportunity of welcoming you back to our hotel, whenever your travels take you to Budapest. Warm regards, Béla Csapó Front Office Manager

Anna (Alleinreisende)
26. Jan. 2020
Good: A környék jó, minden elérhető tömegközlekedéssel-gyalog. ill taxival A reggeli pompás. Minden van, vegáknak, vegénoknak, diétázóknak is. Bad: egyetlen dolg. A multkori alkalommal is csalódás volt, a szoba nem fűtött. Szóltam a recepciónak, azonnal küldtek szerelőt, aki megfelelő szerszámmal kinyitotta a fűtés csapját. Javasolnám, hogy érkezéskor-hideg időben - jelezzék ezt a vendégnek, nem kinlódjon a fűtőtest csavargatásával, hanem a szerelő mindjárt gondoskodik a fűtésról. (egyébként én sem gondolnám, hogy fölöslegesen fűtsenek üres lakrészeket!!!)
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Kedves Anna, Szeretném megköszönni kedves visszajelzését a Danubius Hotel Hungaria City Centerrel kapcsolatosan! Először is, igazán fantasztikus olvasni, hogy nagyon jól érezték magukat a nálunk eltöltött idő alatt. Köszönöm, hogy kiemelte a szálloda szuper környékét és a pompás reggelit! Remélem, hogy kirándulása kellemes telt és hogy pozitív élményei visszavezénylik majd hozzánk! Üdvözlettel, Csapó Béla Front Office Manager

Dezsőné (Alleinreisende)
25. Jan. 2020
Good: A kényelmes ágy leginkább, a csend és a nyugalom. Bad: Magyar nyelvű prospektus a törzskártyáról, feliratok a szállodábam
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Kedves Dezsőné! Szeretnénk megköszönni kedves szavait a Hotel Hungaria City Centerről! Remek, hogy meg volt elégedve a kényelmes ágyainkkal, valamint a törzskártyáinkkal és csendes, nyugalmas környezetünkkel. Őszinte öröm lenne számunkra viszontlátni Önt! Üdvözlettel, Csapó Béla Front Office Manager

Zoltan (Alleinreisende)
25. Jan. 2020
Good: Všetko bolo super
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Zoltan Popovič, Thank you very much for staying in Hotel Hungaria City Center and sharing your lovely thoughts with us. I am glad to learn from your kind review that you enjoyed your stay. It is great that you were content with everything! It would be our team’s pleasure to have you back, please do not hesitate to choose our property again! Kind regards, Csapó Béla Front Office Manager

Sergii (Alleinreisende)
23. Jan. 2020
Good: Понравилось все!!!Завтрак и комфорт в номере великолепный!!!
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Sergii, First and foremost, we would like to say thank you for spending time on writing us a comment. We are beyond happy, that you were satisfied with your stay at Hotel Hungaria City Center. Thank you for complimenting the breakfast and the room. Don’t hesitate to visit us again! Best wishes, Csapó Béla Front Office Manager

İbrahim ÜRET (Alleinreisende)
22. Jan. 2020
Biraz eski bir otel ancak yinede guzeldi
Source: Google

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear İbrahim ÜRET, I would like to express our thankfulness to you for being so generous to share your rating about your recent stay in our lovely Hotel Hungaria City Center. Once again, thank you for your feedback, we hope that we will have the opportunity of welcoming you again here. Warmest regards, Béla Csapó Front Office Manager

Katia (Alleinreisende)
21. Jan. 2020
Good: I trasporti pubblici e le cose da vedere Bad: Cibo
Source: Booking.com

Geraldine (Alleinreisende)
20. Jan. 2020
Good: Ubicación perfecta, el personal muy amable y la habitacion bastante bien Bad: Las toallas del baño estaban un poco manchadas
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Geraldine, Thank you so much for choosing to stay at our Hotel Hungaria City Center and for taking your precious time to share your feedback about it. It is great that you were content with our hotel! It is nice that you highlighted your nice room as well as the great location. I hope that we will have the opportunity of welcoming you back to our hotel, whenever your travels take you to Budapest. Warm regards, Béla Csapó Front Office Manager

Simon (Alleinreisende)
20. Jan. 2020
Good: Bra läge. Enkelt med taxi och kollektivtrafik om så önskas.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Simon, Let me express my gratefulness to you for taking the time and the effort to write down this informative and nice review about Hotel Hungaria City Center. Thank you so much for choosing our hotel as your accommodation, I truly hope overall you did not regret your choice. It is amazing to read that you were entirely content with our location and thank you for sharing the fact that you think everybody should stay here. It is a lovely compliment! Once again, thank you very much for your amazing feedback, we are looking forward very much to hosting you again here. Warm regards, Csapó Béla Front Office Manager

Angeliki (Alleinreisende)
20. Jan. 2020
Good: I really liked how clean it was and also the fact that it was very close to the railway.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Angeliki, Thank you very much for staying in Hotel Hungaria City Center and sharing your thoughts with us and other travelers. I am glad to learn from your kind review that overall you had an excellent stay here. Furthermore, I am grateful to you for highlighting our very advantageous location as well as the great and clean rooms. Our team is looking forward to welcoming you back, hopefully in the near future. Kind regards, Béla Csapó Front Office Manager

Dragana (Alleinreisende)
20. Jan. 2020
Good: Lokacija,usluga,organizovanost
Source: Booking.com

Maria (Alleinreisende)
19. Jan. 2020
Good: I got a free upgrade was a big room very clean and comfortable 👍
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Maria, Thank you for spending your precious time on sharing your experiences about Hotel Hungaria City Center. Thank you so much for highlighting our cleanness and the great rooms as well. I am looking forward very much to greeting you again in our lovely hotel, we will always wait you with friendly welcome. Warm regards, Béla Csapó Front Office Manager

Pete (Alleinreisende)
19. Jan. 2020
Good: Although an older building it was quiet, in great repair, clean and staff helpful and professional. Bad: Nothing really.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Pete, I would like to thank you for choosing Hotel Hungaria City Center and for sharing your valued opinion with us. It felt particularly nice that you chose us for your stay in Budapest and you appreciated our professional staff. Thank you again for sharing this informative and lovely review with us. I hope you will return in the future! Warm regards, Béla Csapó Front Office Manager

Christodoulou (Alleinreisende)
19. Jan. 2020
Good: Η τοποθεσια ηταν πολυ καλη, διπλα σε μετρο τρενο και λεωφορεια. Η θερμοκρασια του δωματιου και του νερου στο μπανιο ιδανικη. Το προσωπικο πολυ φιλικο και βοηθητικο. Bad: Τα βραδια επειδη η τοποθεσια ειναι κεντρικη, ακουγονται καποιες στιγμες τα αυτοκινητα και αυτο δυσκολευει τον υπνο. Κατα τα αλλα μια χαρα.
Source: Booking.com

Advaith Mani (Alleinreisende)
18. Jan. 2020
Superb location..convenient stay
Source: Google

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Advaith Mani, Let me express my gratefulness to you for taking the time and the effort to write down this nice review about Hotel Hungaria City Center. Thank you so much for choosing our hotel as your accommodation. It is amazing to read that you were entirely content with our location and thank you for sharing the fact that you think everybody should stay here. It is a lovely compliment! Once again, thank you very much for your amazing feedback, we are looking forward very much to hosting you again here. Warm regards, Csapó Béla Front Office Manager

Lili Бурега (Alleinreisende)
18. Jan. 2020
Чудове - чарівне місце.
Source: Google

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Lili Бурега, It was so nice of you to take your valuable time to rate and share your opinion about our hotel. I extremely hope that you overall you had a nice stay in Hotel Hungaria City Center and I am happy that you were totally satisfied with our hotel. I hope you want to return for another holiday and we will certainly make sure you have an enjoyable time with us. Best regards, Béla Csapó Front Office Manager

Frank3821 (Alleinreisende)
17. Jan. 2020
Good: Comfort and location Bad: Fantastic value for money
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Frank3821, Thank you very much for taking your time on writing a review about Hotel Hungaria City Center. It is lovely to learn that our superb hotel met your expectations. It makes me even happier that you highlighted our perfect location and the provided comfort. Our team is glad that you had a wonderful experience here, we truly hope you will return to us in the future. Kind regards, Csapó Béla Front Office Manager

Anna (Alleinreisende)
17. Jan. 2020
Good: A személyzet segítőkész sége. Reggel I választék Fürdőszoba Megközelíthetőség,állomás, metró boltok, Bad: Sajnos hideg volt, de megjavították
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Kedves Anna Polay! Engedje meg, hogy kifejezzem hálámat, amiért megoszotta velünk kedves szavait a Hotel Hungaria City Centerről! Örömmel olvastam, hogy meg volt elégedve kedves személyzetünkkel, valamint reggelinkkel és elhelyezkedésünkkel. Még nagyobb öröm lenne számunkra ismét viszontlátni Önt! Üdvözlettel, Csapó Béla Front Office Manager

srinivas dhanala (Alleinreisende)
17. Jan. 2020
Peaceful sleep
Source: Google

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Srinivas Dhanala, Firstly, I am really happy that you chose our lovely hotel as your accommodation, I am glad to read that you had a really enjoyable time here and that you were enriched by a lot of beautiful memories during the time you spent here. Once again, thank you very much for your amazing rating, we are looking forward very much to hosting you again here. Warm regards, Csapó Béla Front Office Manager

Charlie Alexander (Alleinreisende)
17. Jan. 2020
Stayed here during dental treatment at kreative dental, excellent
Source: Google

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Charlie Alexander, It was so nice of you to take your valuable time to rate Hotel Hungaria City Center. Let us say thank you for your rating. I am glad to read that you had a really enjoyable time here. I genuinely hope that you were enriched by nice memories during the time you spent in Budapest. I do hope you will return, we cannot wait to see you again! Warm regards, Csapó Béla Front Office Manager

Lekochka (Alleinreisende)
14. Jan. 2020
Good: Прекрасный завтрак. Хорошая постель, бельё, полотенца. Наличие чайника в комнате. Отличное расположение. Bad: Завтрак очень дорогой! Фен образца прошлого века. Персонал разговаривает очень свысока, никакого дружелюбия. Холодильник не работал.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Lekochka, I would like to thank you very much for devoting a few minutes of your precious time to write down your opinion about Hotel Hungaria City Center. I am glad to learn from your feedback that you were satisfied with our lovely breakfast and our great location as well. I honestly hope that overall you had a nice stay and you did not regret to chose us. However, please let me express my sincere apologise for the unpleasantness you had. It would be really nice to host you again in the future, we will always wait you with friendly welcome. Kind regards, Csapó Béla Front Office Manager

Zsolt (Alleinreisende)
13. Jan. 2020
Good: Nagyon kedves, segítőkész személyzet. Kiváló reggeli
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Kedves Zsolt, Először is szeretnénk megköszönni, hogy időt szánt arra, hogy értékelte a Danubius Hotel Hungaria City Center szállodánkat. Nagyon örülünk, hogy a személyzetünkkel maximálisan meg volt elégedve. Továbbá büszkék vagyunk, hogy a reggelit kiválónak találta. Reméljük hamarosan visszatér hozzánk. Szeretettel visszavárjuk. Üdvözlettel, Csapó Béla Front Office Manager

Dianaar (Alleinreisende)
12. Jan. 2020
Good: Very good location, very comfortable beds. Breakfast was incredible rich...the best I ever had. Bad: Small bathroom The view from the room
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Dianaar, Let me thank you for staying with us and for your time to rate our hotel online. I am extremely happy that you had a pleasant time in Budapest and we could meet your expectations. We are blessed that you found our breakfast excellent and varied. We are extremely happy that you have loved our central location,therefore we hope you had time to visit the beautiful sights and the main attractions. On the other hand, we are sorry for the inconvenience regarding the view and the bathroom. We would love to welcome you back again for another pleasant stay! Best regards, Béla Csapó Front Office Manager

Horvathek (Alleinreisende)
12. Jan. 2020
Good: Remek, finom és bőséges választék!
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Kedves Horvathek! Nagyon szépen köszönjük a kedves szavait. Számunkra a megtiszteltetés, hogy minket választottak. Örömmel olvassuk, hogy elégedettek voltak az ételeinkkel és a szálloda hangulatával. Szeretettel várjuk vissza Önöket! Üdvözlettel: Csapó Béla Front Office Manager

Olimpiu (Alleinreisende)
12. Jan. 2020
Good: Location and price. Bad: Small bed in single room.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Olimpiu Oproiu, Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us and review our hotel. We are glad, that you enjoyed your location and you find our prices reasonable. We are sorry that you did not like your bed. We are looking forward to welcoming you back! Best regards, Béla Csapó Front Office Manager

Pietro (Alleinreisende)
12. Jan. 2020
Good: Posizione perfetta , hotel pulito con personale accogliente e rapporto qualità prezzo super.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Pietro Paolo Di Matteo, I would like to express my gratitude to you for taking your precious time to write a review about our hotel. I am delighted that you loved our location, friendly staff and you were also satisfied with our prices and the cleanliness. We hope your experience will make you want to return for another holiday and we will certainly make sure you have an even more enjoyable time. Best regards, Béla Csapó Front Office Manager

Traveler (Paar)
11. Jan. 2020
Personale cordiale, pulizia giornaliera ottima, posizione comoda al centro e all'utilizzo dei mezzi. Da rimodernare i servizi, ma nel complesso un'ottima struttura.
Source: Expedia

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Valued Guest, Thank you so much for taking the time to review your stay. I am pleased to know you enjoyed your stay with us. I was very delighted to learn that we made you feel comfortable throughout your stay. We look forward to welcoming you back whenever your travels bring you once again to Budapest. Kind Regards, Enikő Kovács-Guest Relations Manager

Corinne (Alleinreisende)
11. Jan. 2020
Good: most comfortable bed ever nice warm room lounge down stairs also comfortable very quiet no noise from neighbouring rooms . good insulation Reception very helpful if we needed any thing at all including directions.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Corinne, I would like to thank you very much for taking the time and the effort to write down your honest opinion about Danubius Hotel Hungaria City Center. It is really important to know our guest’s thoughts, so thank you for your amazing review. I would like to thank you for highlighting your good room and your comfortable bed. We will always wait you with the warmest welcome. Kind regards, Béla Csapó Front Office Manager

Köblös (Alleinreisende)
11. Jan. 2020
Good: Kedves, segítőkész személyzet, kényelmes szoba, árban is nagyon baráti. Máskor is szívesen visszatérek.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Kedves Köblös Aranka, Köszönöm, hogy a Danubius Hotel Hungaria City Center szállodánkat választotta legutóbbi budapesti tartózkodása során. Nagyon szépen köszönjük, hogy kiemelte a kedves és segítőkész személyzetünket valamint a kényelmes szobáját. Őszintén reméljük, hogy a legközelebb is minket választ és újabb fergeteges élményekkel gazdagodik. Tisztelettel, Csapó Béla Front Office Manager

Μαρία (Alleinreisende)
11. Jan. 2020
Good: Πολύ όμορφο μεγάλο και καθαρό δωμάτιο! Επίσης ευγενικό προσωπικό και ήταν πολύ ευγενική χειρονομία ο καφές και το τσάι που υπήρχαν την πρώτη ημέρα στο δωμάτιο Bad: Θα ήθελα περισσότερα σκεπάσματα
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Μαρία Δρακοπούλου, Thank you very much for staying in Danubius Hotel Hungaria City Center and sharing your thoughts with us and other travelers. I am glad to learn from your kind review that overall you had an excellent stay here. Furthermore, I am grateful to you for highlighting your beautiful and clean room as well as the polite staff. Our team is looking forward to welcoming you back, hopefully in the near future. Kind regards, Béla Csapó Front Office Manager

혜원 (Alleinreisende)
11. Jan. 2020
Good: 직원이 친절했다. Bad: 샤워부스가 아니어서 불편했다.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear 혜원, I wholeheartedly appreciate you for taking your precious time to share your thoughts about Danubius Hotel Hungaria City Center. I am honoured you have recognized our friendly staff, we work really hard for our highly valued guests in order to have them enjoying their stay in our hotel. I hope you had an enjoyable and memorable time here! Please let me thank you once again for your feedback. I hope you will return soon again. Warm regards, Béla Csapó Front Office Manager

Marina (Alleinreisende)
10. Jan. 2020
Good: La cordialità dello staff. La vicinanza alla metropolitana. La possibilità di aver potuto usufruire del deposito bagagli durante l'ultimo giorno di permanenza. L'organizzazione del Galà di fine anno è stata fantastica. Curato nei minimi particolari, arricchito dall'operetta e animato dalla musica della band. Una serata indimenticabile.!!!! Bad: La pulizia della camera è stata ben curata soltanto il primo giorno del nostro soggiorno durato 10 notti ( dal 26/12/2019 al 5/01/2020). Gli asciugamani venivano sostituiti parzialmente. I prodotti in dotazione ( the, caffe, zucchero) non sono mai stati riforniti come pure shampoo e bagno schiuma.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Marina Boccolini. I am much obliged to you for taking the time to share your absolutely positive review about our Hotel Hungaria City Center. It is amazing our hotel managed to reach your expectations and thank you for your marvelous compliments on the professional service you received from our staff. Morever, I am glad that you were satisfied with our great event. I appreciate your high satisfaction and do hope to have the pleasure of warmly welcoming you again in the nearest future. Kind regards, Csapó Béla Front Office Manager

Ana (Alleinreisende)
10. Jan. 2020
Good: El desayuno muy bueno y muy variado, tenían leche sin lactosa que me vino muy bien. Un día cenamos en el restaurante, una buena presentación y buenísimo, nada caro. El personal de comedor, recepción -hall muy atento, el personal de limpieza muy discreto. En la habitación teníamos una jarrita para infusiones "estupendo", y se podía ver en la tele la 1. El hotel está cerca del metro, aunque en 15 minutos estás en la zona de los restaurantes y en 15 mas en el parlamento, si te gusta andar no necesitas el metro, y si no quieres metro el taxi no es caro. También hay una perfumería a la vuelta muy grande donde compré la crema Helia que me recomendaron. Y si no te gusta la comida típica, tienes un mcdonals y un burger a 200 metros. La ciudad muy bonita, pero no te pierdas una visita al balnerario Széchenyi. Bad: Me gustaría que hubiera más personal que conociera el español.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Ana, Thank you so much for choosing to stay at our Danubius Hotel Hungaria City Center as well as taking the time to share your thoughts and experience with us. Your recognitions regarding our great location and the varied breakfast are much appreciated. I genuinely hope that overall you were enriched by beautiful memories during the time you spent in Budapest. Once again, thank you for your feedback, we would be really happy if we could be your host again in the future. Best regards, Béla Csapó Front Office Manager

Kornélia (Alleinreisende)
10. Jan. 2020
Bad: Drága volt aparkolás
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Kedves Kornélia, Nagyon szépen köszönöm a kedves szavakat, hihetetlenül nagy öröm számunkra, hogy a Danubius Hotel Hungaria City Center szállodánkat választotta, valamint idejét nem sajnálva leírta a véleményét. Nagy boldogsággal töltött el, hogy jól érezte magát és hogy szinte teljes mértékben meg volt elégedve a szállodánkkal. Őszintén reménykedem benne, hogy csodálatos élményekkel gazdagodott a Budapesten. Remélem lesz még alkalmunk vendégül látni Önöket a jövőben. Üdvözlettel, Csapó Béla Front Office Manager

Matt (Alleinreisende)
10. Jan. 2020
Good: L'emplacement, le petit-déjeuner, le buffet proposé le soir. L'accueil de celui qui nous a donné la carte de la chambre et celui qui nous accueilli pendant le buffet. Bad: La longue attente (~40 min) pour obtenir la carte de la chambre.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Matt, I am pleased that you enjoyed the ambience and the hospitality of Danubius Hotel Hungaria City Center and thank you very much for sharing your review! I am extremely happy that we could meet most of your expectation, and you left us with satisfaction. Thank you for complementing our engaging location, I hope you could discover everything you wanted. Once again, thank you for reviewing our hotel, I am looking forward very much to hosting you again. Best regards, Béla Csapó Front Office Manager

Barbara (Alleinreisende)
10. Jan. 2020
Good: Comfortable, clean, good staff including many who spoke English. Bus & tram stops locally, as well as Keleti train station. Bad: The bar did not stock Tia Maria or Kaluha! But that flippant comment does not detract from overall pleasure.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Barbara, Thank you so much for staying with us and for dedicating your precious time to share your feedback about Danubius Hotel Hungaria City Center. I am happy to see you found our hotel clean and comfortable, also, thank you for mentioning our excellent staff. We are so glad you had a nice stay at our hotel. It would be really nice to welcome you again, you will be always waited with warm welcome. Best regards, Béla Csapó Front Office Manager

Maria (Alleinreisende)
10. Jan. 2020
Good: clean & comfy Bad: a little bit warm in the room would be perfect
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Maria, Thank you very much for staying with us at Danubius Hotel Hungaria City Center and for your time to write a review about our hotel on the Booking page. I am really happy that our hotel overall could meet with your expectations and you were satisfied with us. Thank you very much for highlighting the cleanness. Once again, thank you so much for your lovely feedback. It would be our pleasure if you chose us again in the future. Kind regards, Béla Csapó Front Office Manager

Anonymous (Alleinreisende)
09. Jan. 2020
Good: Az ágy nagyon kényelmes volt, a szálloda pedig jól megközelíthető helyen, közel a központhoz.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Kedves Vendégünk! Szeretném megköszönni véleményét és magas értékelését a Hotel Hungaria City Centerről! Örömmel olvastam, hogy mindennel meg volt elégedve és kiemelte kényelmes ágyunkat, valamint rendkívüli elhelyezkedésünket. Remélem, hogy legközelebb is ránk esik választása! Üdvözlettel, Csapó Béla Front Office Manager

Валерий (Alleinreisende)
09. Jan. 2020
Good: очень внимательный и дружелюбный персонал Bad: отсутствие тапочек и халата
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Валерий, I would like to thank you very much for writing down your thoughts and impressions about our Hotel Hungaria City Center. It is amazing that you were content with our nice staff and also with their attentive attitude! Thank you for your observations and high rating! Our team can only hope that we can welcome you back in the near future! Kind regards, Csapó Béla Front Office Manager

Csongor (Alleinreisende)
09. Jan. 2020
Good: Minden igényt kielégítő reggeli!
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Kedves Csongor Levente, Engedje meg, hogy kifejezzem hálámat, amiért megosztotta velünk kedves visszajelzését a Hotel Hungaria City Centerről! Rendkívül örülök annak, hogy kiemelte a finom és bőséges reggelinket. Remélem, hogy pozitív tapasztalatai visszavezénylik hozzánk a jövőben is! Üdvözlettel, Csapó Béla Front Office Manager

Mohamad (Alleinreisende)
09. Jan. 2020
Good: Breakfast was good, and the stuff was helpful👍🏻. In general is 4 out of 5 hotel. Bad: Very close to a busy street car sounds are very auditable in the room.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Mohamad Baraa Alhussei, First and foremost, I would like to thank you very much for reviewing Hotel Hungaria City Center. It is good to read that you were content with our great breakfast and with the amazing staff. Once again, thank you very much for your feedback, we hope that we will have the opportunity of greeting you again one day. Kind regards, Csapó Béla Front Office Manager

Enikö (Alleinreisende)
08. Jan. 2020
Good: Minden tetszett, azért is szeretek idejönni! A személyzet kedves, a szobák tiszták.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Kedves Enikö, Mindenekelőtt szeretném megköszönni, hogy időt szánt rá, hogy értékelje a Hotel Hungaria City Centert. Nagyon örülök, hogy tökéletesen elégedett volt szállodánk minden aspektusával, és köszönöm kedves, dicsérő szavait, melyekkel illette személyzetünket és a szobák tisztaságát. Szeretettel várjuk vissza szállodánkba! Szívélyes üdvözlettel, Csapó Béla Front Office Manager

Anonymous (Alleinreisende)
08. Jan. 2020
Good: All Bad: It was beautiful.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Guest, Thank you for your wonderful feedback, we are more than happy that you had a pleasant stay with us. We hope your experience will make you want to return for another holiday and we will certainly make sure you have an even more enjoyable time. Warm regards, Béla Csapó Front Office Manager

Елена (Alleinreisende)
08. Jan. 2020
Good: хорошие завтраки, уборка в номере - ок, стандартный номер с ожидаемым набором мебели и нормальной кроватью Bad: ночью шумно, т.к. близко оживленная магистраль и жд вокзал, если бы получше стеклопакеты, было бы нормально отдыхать, в ванной грибок на плитке стены
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Елена, Firstly, I am grateful to you for sharing your feedback about Hotel Hungaria City Center. It is great that you enjoyed our nice breakfast and cleanliness. However, I am sorry for the small inconvenience which you had to face but I hope that your poisitve experiences made up for that. I do hope that all in all you had a great time in Budapest, and we would be glad to have you back and provide you another great stay! Warm regards, Béla Csapó Front Office Manager

Maria (Alleinreisende)
08. Jan. 2020
Good: Excellent Breakfast! The staff is so helpful and happy. Bad: The cleanliness is so and so. The location is not a very good neighborhood and special for the night. But its ok!
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear MARIA, I am much obliged to you for taking the time to share your review about Hotel Hungaria City Center. First and foremost, please allow me to thank you for choosing to stay in our beloved hotel. I am happy that you were satisfied with everything and you enjoyed every moment here. Thank you for highlighting the great location and our excellent staff. Also, it is amazing that you found our breakfast excellent. It would be really nice if we could have the pleasure of hosting you again in the future, we will always greet you with warm welcoming! Kind regards, Csapó Béla Front Office Manager

Kučerová (Alleinreisende)
07. Jan. 2020
Good: Lokalita je výborná, blízko stanice Keleti. Priamo pri hoteli stojí autobus a v blízkosti je aj veľké nákupné centrum, otvorené aj v nedeľu. Hotel pohodlný, priestranný, raňajky pestré, chutné, personál milý, ochotný. Je to veľký hotel, veľa ľudí a detí. Nevhodné pre tých, čo nemajú radi hluk. Bad: Cena ubytovania na stránke booking.com bola uvedená pôvodne 202 € (konečná cena) za 4 noci pre dve osoby, ale účtovali nám vyše 225 € (vo forintoch), čiže treba dávať pozor pri objednávaní pri tomto hoteli.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Kučerová, Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us and review our hotel. It means a lot to us that you have chosen the Hotel Hungaria City Center and we strive every day to help our guests to create wonderful memories of their time in our beloved city of Budapest. What a pleasure to see that you were satisfied with the location, friendly staff and you liked our breakfast offers. However, I am deeply sorry if you had any inconvenience regarding the price on the Booking. We are looking forward to welcoming you back! Best regards, Béla Csapó Front Office Manager

Ionescu (Alleinreisende)
06. Jan. 2020
Good: Poziționarea foarte buna
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Ionescu Aura, Thank you so much for taking the time to write a review about your recent stay in our Hotel Hungaria City Center. It is great to hear that you enjoyed your experience. Also, I would like to express my thankfulness about your compliments on our location. Regarding the kind rating, it would be our greatest honor to have you back in the not so distant future. I genuinely hope to have the pleasure of meeting you again soon. Kind regards, Csapó Béla Front Office Manager

Мария (Alleinreisende)
06. Jan. 2020
Good: Отличный отель и хорошее расположение .Сытный завтрак.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Мария, Thank you very much for taking the time to write and share your experiences and your excellent rate on Booking website about Hotel Hungaria City Center. We are glad, that the location and the breakfast met your expectation. I hope you will be in touch again shortly for the next trip back Budapest, our team is looking forward to helping you. Kind Regards, Béla Csapó Front Office Manager

Marina (Alleinreisende)
06. Jan. 2020
Good: Расположение отеля очень удачное, рядом церковь святой Елизаветы очень красивая, приятно пройтись и по улрчке которая к ней ведет.Рялом все необходимое, метро, супермаркет.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Marina, I am pleased that you enjoyed the ambience and the hospitality of Hotel Hungaria City Center, and thank you very much for your great rates on Booking website.I more than happy to hear that you were satisfied with our central location. I hope your experience will make you want to return for another holiday and we will certainly make sure you have another enjoyable time as you just had. Kind Regards, Béla Csapó Front Office Manager

Salvo (Alleinreisende)
06. Jan. 2020
Good: Rapporto qualità prezzo eccellente 👍
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Salvo, I would like to express my gratitude to you for writing down your thoughts about our hotel in a few words. First of all, thank you so much for choosing our lovely Hotel Hungaria City Center as your accommodation. It is so great to read that you were satisfied with our hotel. I hope you enriched by many beautiful memories during your stay. It would be great to be at your service in the future. Best wishes, Béla Csapó Front Office Manager

Mocita Lingamos (Alleinreisende)
06. Jan. 2020
Source: Google

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Mocita Lingamos, May I start with thanking you for taking your time and sharing your kind review with us about your recent stay at Hotel Hungaria City Center. I hope that you gained many great experiences in our lovely city, and that your experience will make you want to return for another great vacation as just you had. Kind regards, Béla Csapó Front Office Manager

__gio__ (Alleinreisende)
05. Jan. 2020
Good: H: 'come ci si sente ad essere fortunati?' Noi: 'perchè?' H: 'la vostra stanza era l'unica ad essere stata ristrutturata di tutto l'hotel' 🙃🍀 Bad: Le lenzuola non sono mai state cambiate anche dopo averlo richiesto in reception
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Gio, What a great delight seeing your high rating and reading your kind words about your latest stay in the Danubius Hotel Hungaria. We are grateful for your evaluation and we look forward to the pleasure of being your host again with our best care and attention. All the best, Enikő Kovács Guest Relations Manager

Patricija (Alleinreisende)
05. Jan. 2020
Good: Ljubaznost, čistoća, urednost Bad: -
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Patricija, Thank you so much for taking the time to provide such kind feedback of your recent stay with us at the Hotel Hungária City Center. We strive to achieve the highest standards to make your experience seamless and memorable. We shall be hoping to see you very soon! Best wishes, Enikő Kovács-Guest Relations Manager

Dr (Alleinreisende)
05. Jan. 2020
Good: Központi elhelyezkedésű, elegàns szállás, udvarias, segítőkész személyzettel.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Kedves Dr. Szabó-Kapus! Szeretném megköszönni, hogy megosztotta velünk kedves véleményét a Hotel Hungaria City Centerről! Remek, hogy meg volt elégedve elhelyezkedésünkkel, valamint kiemelte udvarias személyzetünket is. Reméljük, hogy legközelebb is ránk esik majd választása! Üdvözlettel, Csapó Béla Front Office Manager

Amir Khatib (Alleinreisende)
05. Jan. 2020
انه جيد جداً جداً جداً
Source: Google

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Amir Khatib, I wholeheartedly appreciate you for not regretting your precious time to share your wonderful experiences that you were enriched by during your recent stay in Hotel Hungaria City Center. On behalf of my colleagues, I would like to sincerely thank you for your kind feedback, it means a lot to us. Should you visit us again in the future, we would be honored to welcome you. Warm regards, Béla Csapó Front Office Manager

Takis Takis (Alleinreisende)
05. Jan. 2020
Ωραία δωμάτια και ωραίο περιβάλλον και ωραίο φαγητό σχετικά κέντρο
Source: Google

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Takis Takis, First and foremost, I would like to extend my most sincere gratitude toward you for being so generous to write down your wonderful thoughts about Hotel Hungaria City Center. I am delighted that you have recognized our excellent location. Also, thank you so much for mentioning our beautiful rooms. Your comments are greatly appreciated, and I do hope you will not hesitate to let us know if we can host you again in the future. Kind regards, Béla Csapó Front Office Manager

Gianluca (Alleinreisende)
05. Jan. 2020
Good: Tutto
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Gianluca, Let me thank you for choosing to stay at our Hotel Hungaria City Center and for leaving your feedback here. I am delighted that overall you had a nice stay here. I am delighted that you found everything nice. Once again, thank you for your rating and I hope we can welcome you back in the near future. Warm regards, Béla Csapó Front Office Manager

Antonio (Alleinreisende)
04. Jan. 2020
Good: L'hotel è situato a pochi km dal centro e per noi che amiamo camminare non è stato affatto un problema. A Budapest abbiamo viaggiato gratis su bus e filobus perché gli stessi autisti a cui chiedevamo il biglietto ci facevano segno di non preoccuparci.. ahaha. L'unica cosa che non ci è piaciuta molto è la colazione. È davvero molto ma molto vasta ma la qualità del cibo non ci è sembrata ottima. per fortuna nella città si mangia benissimo. La camera è molto luminosa, spaziosa e ben insonorizzata. Ci siamo trovati molto bene :) Bad: Solo la colazione non mi è sembrata di grande qualità ma ho gusti particolari perciò non è una critica universale xD
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Antonio, I wholeheartedly appreciate the kindness with which you have written down your thoughts about Hotel Hungaria City Center. It is fantastic that you have recognized many aspects of our hotel, and especially that you mentioned our excellent location and the cozy rooms. Thank you for sharing your lovely review. I would be honored if you visited us again in the future – our team will always wait you with warm welcome. Best regards, Béla Csapó Front Office Manager

Роман (Alleinreisende)
04. Jan. 2020
Good: Сніданки це просто клас! Дякую! Bad: Все добре
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Guest, As for a start, I would like to thank you for taking your precious time on rating us. I am glad you decided to stay in Hotel Hungaria City Center, it is a pleasure to read that you were satisfied with our hotel. I was impressed to read that you found our breakfast great. In the future we are waiting for you with open doors and warm welcomes, until than we wish you the best. Kind regards, Béla Csapó Front Office Manager

Anonymous (Alleinreisende)
04. Jan. 2020
Good: リーズナブルだったのであまり期待はせずに予約しました。お部屋はコンパクトですが、満足でした。ホテルのロビーも素敵で、受付の方の対応も良く、気持ちの良い滞在になりました。ヨーロッパのホテルではあまりない、アメニティやティーポット、コーヒー等と、冷蔵庫、ドライヤーも揃っています。なにより朝食のバイキングが豪華で美味しかったです。またこちらを利用させて頂きます。
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Guest, I am much obliged to you for taking your precious time to share your wonderful thoughts about Hotel Hungaria City Center. I am absolutely thrilled that you deemed our hotel a great choice. And besides, it fills me with pure pleasure that you mentioned how pleased you were with your nice room and the great breakfast. I genuinely hope that we will have opportunity of welcoming you on another occasion. Our team will be always happy to assist you. Best regards, Béla Csapó Front Office Manager

Anonymous (Alleinreisende)
03. Jan. 2020
Bad: Manca acqua in camera
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Guest / Vendég, Let me express my gratitude to you for sharing your thoughts and impressions about Hotel Hungaria City Center, your opinion is really important to us. It is amazing to see that you gave us such a high rating! Once again, thank you very much for your nice rating and it would be really nice to welcome you back. Kind regards, Csapó Béla Front Office Manager

Lajos Mihályfi (Alleinreisende)
03. Jan. 2020
Egyszerűen jó.
Source: Google

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Kedves Lajos Mihályfi! Szeretnék köszönetet mondani kedves szavaiért a Hotel Hungaria City Centerről! Remek, hogy jónak találta szállodánkat és remélem, hogy a közel jövőben is minket választ majd, ha Budapesten jár! Üdvözlettel, Csapó Béla Front Office Manager

Luca (Alleinreisende)
03. Jan. 2020
La struttura pur essendo vecchia è ben tenuta. Stanze molto pulite e spaziose, la struttura è a circa 20 minuti dal centro e 10 minuti dal quartiere ebraico che la sera è piena di locali. La metro si trova a pochi metri dall’hotel.
Source: Hotels.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Luca, We can\'t thank you enough for taking the time to leave such a wonderful review about your experience at Danubius Hotel Hungária. We look forward to the pleasure of being your host again, should your travel bring you back to Budapest. With warm regards, Enikő Kovács-Guest Relations Manager

Constantin (Alleinreisende)
03. Jan. 2020
Good: Mic dejun bogat si variat.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Constantin Sorici, I appreciate the kindness with which you have written your review of Hotel Hungaria City Center, here on Booking! I am absolutely thrilled that you deemed our hotel great. It is much to my delight to learn that our breakfast managed to make a nice impression on you. Last but not least, please allow me to thank you for choosing our hotel. I heartily hope to be your host again in the near future – hope to see you soon! Warm regards, Béla Csapó Front Office Manager

Anonymous (Alleinreisende)
03. Jan. 2020
Good: ההתנהלות הקבלה החדרים נקיים⁸ Bad: שיפור בארוחת הבוקר יש מגוון אוכל שלא מתאים כל כך לישראלים
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Guest, I am much obliged to you for not regretting your precious time to share your wonderful thoughts about our Hotel Hungaria City Center. I have no words to describe how joyful I am that you mentioned and appreciated the excellent cleanliness, the plentiful breakfast and the rooms. It would be an honor to meet you again, please do not hesitate to let us know if we can host you any time in the future. Kind regards, Csapó Béla Front Office Manager

Francesco (Alleinreisende)
02. Jan. 2020
Good: Tutto molto bene, perfetto!
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Francesco, Let me thank you for choosing to stay at our Hotel Hungaria City Center. I am delighted that overall you had a nice stay here. It is nice that you were content with us and you shared your opinion with us. Once again, thank you for your rating and I hope we can welcome you back in the near future. Kind regards, Csapó Béla Front Office Manager

Alina Serban (Alleinreisende)
02. Jan. 2020
Wonderful experience! Good service, really nice staff.
Source: Google

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Alina Serban, I would like to say thank you for writing down your thoughts about Hotel Hungaria City Center, we can learn a lot from your words. I am glad that you were content with our service as well as with the nice staff! Once again, thank you for your rating and I hope we can welcome you back in the near future. Warm regards, Béla Csapó Front Office Manager

Hakki Yener (Alleinreisende)
02. Jan. 2020
Hotel bien situé
Source: Google

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Hakki Yener, I would like to express my thankfulness to you for taking the time and the effort to write a feedback about our Hotel Hungaria City Center. I am grateful for complementing our great location. We hope to be at your service again! Best wishes, Béla Csapó Front Office Manager

Viktoriia (Alleinreisende)
01. Jan. 2020
Good: Расположение отеля удобное, расположен напротив жд вокзала Келети в 5 минутах от него. Рядом метро, можно быстро добраться до набережной. До пешеходной улицы Ваци пешком минут 20. Можно пешком добраться до набережной. В номере тв, чайник, удобные кровати. Убирались каждый день, меняли полотенца. Персонал отзывчивый. За 12 часов до заселения написала про ранее заселение в 10 утра, подъехали к 9 часам. Нас попросили полчаса обождать и заселили в номер. Окна выходили во двор, наслаждались тишиной. Стоимость проживания хорошая. Завтраки не брали. Bad: Отрицательных моментов не было.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Viktoriia, First of all, thank you very much for choosing Hotel Hungaria City Center and taking the time and effort to inform us about your experience. We were glad to read that you were satisfied with our services in general provided by our team members. We will share your comments with our colleagues and sincerely hope to have the pleasure of hosting you again in the future. With warm regards, Enikő Kovács-Guest Relations Manager

Pekka Ripatti (Alleinreisende)
01. Jan. 2020
Siisti huone. Toimiva WiFi myös huoneessa.
Source: Google

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Pekka Ripatti, Thank you very much for visiting our lovely Hotel Hungaria City Center, and sharing your nice thoughts about it. I am thrilled that our nice rooms were to your liking. We would be pleased to have you back again any time in the future! Best regards, Béla Csapó Front Office Manager

Dionysia (Alleinreisende)
01. Jan. 2020
Good: Πολύ μεγάλη ποικιλία στο μπουφέ του πρωινού!!
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Dionysia, I appreciate the time you took to leave us your opinion about your stay at the Danubius Hotel Hungária. Thank you for your compliments on our great breakfast. We would be happy to have you back in our hotel. Best wishes, Enikő Kovács-Guest Relations Manager

Tasos (Alleinreisende)
31. Dez. 2019
Good: Convenient location, easy connection with all points of interest in the town via bus or metro (3-4 stops). Had all the amenities of a 4-star hotel. Good breakfast. There are supermarkets and 24h mini markets around. Hotel is on a main avenue, in a well lighted area. Bad: The room, especially the bathroom should have been cleaner. We had to wipe the surfaces ourselves.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear Tasos, As for a start, it is beyond amazing to read your kind words about your latest stay in our hotel. It makes our team proud that you were completely mesmerized by our wonderful hotel’s location, we also think it’s settled in the really nice area. On the same note, we are really delighted to learn that the hearty breakfast you took at Hotel Hungaria City Center was to your taste. At the same time, we want to say sorry for the problem that you had concerning the cleanliness, the things that you described are not usual at all, but let us ensure you that we will take the appropriate and necessary measures. In spite of your mixed feelings, we truly hope you had a memorable holiday with us and that we will have the chance to welcome you back to our hotel, should your travel plans bring you back to Budapest area. Kind regards, Csapó Béla Front Office Manager

Raffaele (Alleinreisende)
31. Dez. 2019
Good: Ritornato di nuovo in questo albergo, ci hanno dato una stanza all'ultimo piano cioè 7 piano. Si vedeva una bella panorama cioè stazione Keleti. Sono proprio contento di poter ammirare la zona. Riconfermo la mia recensione di prima, e non voglio essere ripetitivo. Unica cosa piu importante che lo staff sono sempre cordiali e collaborativi. Ritornerò di nuovo in questo albergo...
Source: Booking.com

Lina (Alleinreisende)
30. Dez. 2019
Good: Awesome location, great value for money. Helpful staff Bad: Our room was too hot. Eventually they turned down the heat. Wi-Fi was poor in the room..
Source: Booking.com

MASTRO TITTA BONO (Alleinreisende)
30. Dez. 2019
Bellissimo attrezzatissimo ed in posizione eccellente
Source: Google

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Dear MASTRO TITTA BONO, I appreciate you for taking your precious time to share your thoughts about Hotel Hungaria City Center with me. It is wonderful you have recognized many aspects of our hotel, and especially you pointed out your satisfaction with our perfect location. Considering your review, we would be honoured if you visited us again. We will always greet you with our greatest hospitality. Warm regards, Béla Csapó Front Office Manager

Nikolett (Alleinreisende)
30. Dez. 2019
Good: Jó helyen van, tiszta szoba, kényelmes ágy. Kedves személyzet, nagyon segítőkészek. Bad: 11 óráig kell elhagyni a szobát, de a kedves takarító hölgy már fél 9-kor kopogtatott... kellemetlen, ha az ember pihenni szeretne.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Hungaria
Kedves Nikolett! Mindenekelőtt szeretném megköszönni Önnek, hogy időt szánt rá és értékelte szállodánkat, a Hotel Hungaria City Centert. Nagyon örülünk, hogy ennyire nagyszerűen érezte magát nálunk, örömmel látom, hogy szinte minden szempontból sikerült megfelelnünk az elvárásainak. Boldog vagyok, hogy nem csak kedves személyzetünk, de szállodánk elhelyezkedése is teljes mértékben elnyerte a tetszését. Remélem hamarosan újra lesz alkalmunk vendégül látni Önt. Üdvözlettel, Csapó Béla Front Office Manager

Λευτέρης (Alleinreisende)
29. Dez. 2019
Good: The location was good enough, very friendly staff and clean rooms. Bad: The thing that I didn’t like was that the staff didn’t know exactly how to get to the airport night time without using the taxi company that they cooperate with. I expect that a hotel that is there for so many years and with experience staff to be more informed about transferring to airport.
Source: Booking.com

Mentzer (Alleinreisende)
29. Dez. 2019
Good: Hôtel très bien placé, chambre calme et propre et le personnel était très accueillant. Petit déjeuner très riche et copieux. Bad: Canalisations sont un peu bruyantes. On entend la douche et la chasse d’eau du voisin du dessus.
Source: Booking.com

Éva (Alleinreisende)
29. Dez. 2019
Good: Minden más tökéletes volt Bad: Kényelmetlen ágyak
Source: Booking.com

Niandrei (Alleinreisende)
28. Dez. 2019
Good: Big room and clean. Very friendly staff. Had all the basic accessories already provided. Parking available in the hotel's garage (for a fee). Bad: The checkout process was a little clumsy, you cannot leave the garage card to the reception desk when leaving your room's key. Had to backtrack to get the key from the desk to the garage person. There are no instructions given regarding this procedure.
Source: Booking.com

Piotr (Alleinreisende)
27. Dez. 2019
Good: Płatny nietani parking pod hotelem Bad: Miła obsługa
Source: Booking.com

Anonymous (Alleinreisende)
27. Dez. 2019
Good: A szoba tiszta és csendes volt, az étterem és a recepció személyzete illedelmes, kedves és segítôkész! Nagyon jól éreztük magunkat! Köszönjük
Source: Booking.com

Jongyun (Alleinreisende)
27. Dez. 2019
Good: 야간열차로 아침 10시에 도착했는데 체크인! 너무좋았음. 모든것이 맘에 드는 가장 적절한 숙소! Bad: 아쉬운 점은 전혀 없었음
Source: Booking.com

Dmytro (Alleinreisende)
26. Dez. 2019
Good: Все соответствует 4* Bad: Нельзя делать оплату NFC с телефона это очень разочаровало т.к. карты у нас ссобой не было
Source: Booking.com

Mira Lukic (Alleinreisende)
24. Dez. 2019
Hotel je u centru grada Staro zdanje ali je čist,u svakom smislu te riječi Osoblje restorana jako ljubazno, hrana raznovrsna Ima wife ,TV ležaj udoban Prelijepo , preporuka svima jer je bitno što je centar
Source: Google

Antonio (Alleinreisende)
23. Dez. 2019
Good: El desayuno y la comodida de ka cama. Muy correcto el conjunto. El servicio muy amable y habla castellano Bad: Las fundas nórdidas son muy cortas
Source: Booking.com

Sanyinet (Alleinreisende)
23. Dez. 2019
Good: Riconfermo la mia ultima recensione, ma questa volta lo staff sono altre persone e sono sempre così gentili. C’era uno che conosceva poco italiano. Ci hanno dato una stanza davvero bella e pulita. Ormai ho la fiducia in questo hotel e tornerò sicuramente. La zona è molto comoda perché ci sono le due linee metropolitane e i posti da mangiare...
Source: Booking.com

Barrie Davies (Alleinreisende)
23. Dez. 2019
Great place to stay and cheap.
Source: Google

Tunde (Alleinreisende)
23. Dez. 2019
Good: Újból kényelmesen pihentünk, annak ellenère, hogy a Keleti PU felè nèzett most az ablakunk. Változatos intenzitással zajos volt az utca. Metro, busz, troli, vonat, bevàsárlàs, éttermek karnyújtàsnyira. A Liszt Ferenc reptèr hajnalban 25 perc a hotelbôl,.korán indultunk, így sajna nem kóstoltuk a reggelit. Kitûnô ár-érték arány, a kényelmes hotel ágy, tiszta ágynemû, jó törölközô. 4 csillag háromcsillagos áron! Bad: Nem volt magyar adás a TV-n vagy a nem eredeti távirányítóval nem tudtuk elôvarázsolni.
Source: Booking.com

Hüseyin (Alleinreisende)
22. Dez. 2019
Good: Büyük temiz rahat yatak sabah kahvaltı çeşitliydi Bad: Bir tek dışarıdan ses içeri fazla geliyor camları büyük ama izledi eski tek negatif yönü
Source: Booking.com

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