Danubius Hotel Helia ****

Avis des clients du Danubius Hotel Helia

Date d’arrivée
A partir de 15:00 h
Date de départ
Jusqu'à 11:00 h

Evaluation de l’hôtel

Sur la base de 6135 évaluations
Services 4.8
Cleaniness 4.8
Comfort 4.8
Location 4.8
Staff 4.8
Value for money 4.8

Attila (Solo traveller)
21. Aoû. 2022
Good: Szóval minden rendben volt . A welnnes jól jött amikor roszra fordult az idő,4 medence különböző hő fokkal . Barátságos személyzet. A Duna egy kőhajításnyira. A közlekedés is rendben
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Kedves Vendégünk! Köszönjük a pozitív értékelését! Nagy örömmel halljuk, hogy szállodánk személyzete megfelelő környezetet tudott biztosítani ahhoz, hogy minél jobban kipihenjék magukat! Reméljük nagyon jól érezték magukat és legközelebb is viszontlátjuk Önöket! Üdvözlettel, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Elvira (Solo traveller)
21. Aoû. 2022
Good: A wellness részleg az uszodákkal és a reggeli. Bad: -
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Kedves Vendégünk! Szeretnénk megköszönni, hogy minket, a Danubius Hotel Hélia szállodát választotta szállásának helyéül! Nagyon szépen köszönjük, hogy időt szánt szállodánk értékelésére és megosztotta velünk tapasztalatait! Örömmel látjuk, hogy meg volt elégedve szállodánkkal itt tartózkodása alatt. Köszönjük szépen, hogy kiemelte szállodánk finom reggelijét és hatalmas választékát. Illetve örülünk, hogy wellness részlegünkkel is ennyire elégedett volt! Összességében reméljük, hogy kellemesen telt nálunk tartózkodásuk és sok szép emlékkel gazdagodtak! Reméljük legközelebb is vendégeink között köszönthetjük majd Önöket! Addig is minden jót kívánunk! Üdvözlettel, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Patrycja (Solo traveller)
21. Aoû. 2022
Good: Wszystko od pokoju zaczynając po śniadania
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, We would like to say thank you for taking the time to review our hotel! Thank you very much for giving Danubius Hotel Helia such a nice feedback and rating. We are pleased to read that you were satisfied with us! Thank you for highlighting our amazing, delicious breakfast. Moreover, it makes us happy that you liked the comfort of our rooms as well. It was our pleasure to have you here! Overall, we hope you had a pleasant time and made many good memories! We look forward to welcome you back again! Best regards, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

István (Solo traveller)
21. Aoû. 2022
Good: Jó elhelyezkedés, tiszta kényelmes szoba, udvarias személyzet.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Kedves Vendégünk! Köszönjük szépen, hogy értékelt minket és, hogy szállodánkat választotta pihenése helyszínéül. Örülünk neki, hogy szolgáltatásainknak és kedves személyzetünknek sikerült elnyerniük a tetszését. Bízunk benne, hogy legközelebb is minket választanak majd! Üdvözlettel, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Tibor (Solo traveller)
21. Aoû. 2022
Good: Kényelmes az ágy, kiváló a wellness Bad: Szoba lehetne tisztább, takarítás nem volt
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Kedves Vendégünk! Köszönjük szépen a visszajelzését! Örömmel látjuk, hogy meg volt elégedve a Danubius Hotel Hélia hotelünkkel, és hogy remekül érezte magát nálunk. Csodás, hogy kiemelte a remek ár-érték arányt, amit a kedves vendégeinknek ajánlunk! Reméljük mindent egybe véve pozitív emlékekkel tért haza! Sok szeretettel várjuk vissza máskor is! Üdvözlettel, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Angela (Solo traveller)
21. Aoû. 2022
Good: Colazione eccezionale,ogni particolare curato,tutte rinnovate con buon gusto le aree comuni Bad: L esterno del palazzo 🏢
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, Thank you so much for rating our hotel and giving us feedback about your stay! We really appreciate that you chose our hotel, the Danubius Hotel Helia for your stay in Budapest. We are thankful for your kind words about our hotel. Also, thank you for mentioning how satisfied you were with our spa and delicious meals. Overall, we hope you had a pleasant time, and we hope that we can be your host again in the near future! Best wishes, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Cosmin (Solo traveller)
21. Aoû. 2022
Good: Amazing staff and energy around the hotel. The food is great and the desserts are awesome. The spa is amazing and there are lot of services included. The staff is open to most of things as long as you talk (extra towels, modified menus etc). Bad: The rooms with balcony are only separated by a thin door and bassically you can hear everything from your neightbours room. Even the smallest sounds and if you have a loud neightbour like mine then it will not be easy to sleep. The rooms without balcony are great so if you prefer a quiet place then get the normal room.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, Thank you so much for rating Danubius Hotel Helia and giving us feedback about your stay! We really appreciate that you chose our hotel for your stay in Budapest. Thank you for the kind words about our staff! Also, we are glad that you enjoyed our delicious breakfast. Furthermore, thank you for sharing how satisfied you were with the spa and services. Although, we are sorry to read that you experienced that, we apologize! We are always thankful for our guests’ feedbacks, because we always want to learn and to improve! Overall, we hope you had a pleasant time and collected many great memories! It was our pleasure to have you here! We hope to welcome you again in the near future! Until then we wish you all the best! Best wishes, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Chesa (Solo traveller)
21. Aoû. 2022
Good: totul Bad: ca am fost obligați sa plătim parcarea la hotel
Source: Booking.com

Aliz (Solo traveller)
20. Aoû. 2022
Good: Kedves személyzet, szuper welness! Bad: Kívülről a szálloda borzalmasan néz ki.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Kedves Vendégünk! Köszönjük szépen, hogy időt szakított szállodánk, a Danubius Hotel Hélia értékelésére! Hálásan köszönjük, hogy kiemelte személyzetünk munkáját! Illetve, örömmel olvassuk, hogy mennyire elégedett volt wellness részlegünkkel is. Számunkra nagyon fontos vendégeink visszajelzése és véleménye, így köszönjük, hogy megosztotta velünk gondolatait, mivel mindig szeretnénk fejlődni. Reméljük összességében kellemesen telt az idejük és sok szép emlékkel gazdagodtak. Várjuk, hogy újra vendégeink között fogadhassuk Önöket, addig is minden jót kívánunk! Üdvözlettel, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Egle (Solo traveller)
20. Aoû. 2022
Good: Patiko vaizdas pro balkoną! Vieta tobula.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, We would like to say thank you for taking the time to review our hotel! Thank you very much for giving Danubius Hotel Helia such a nice feedback and rating. We are pleased to read that you were satisfied with us! Thank you so much for sharing how beautiful is the view from the hotel. We are extremely happy to read that you described our hotel as perfect, we truly appreciate it! Overall, we hope you had a fantastic time and made many good memories! We look forward to see you again! Best regards, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Kerii (Solo traveller)
20. Aoû. 2022
Good: Great view from balcony and the cleanliness Bad: Cold hash browns evey morning at breakfast
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, We really appreciate that you took your time to rate Danubius Hotel Helia! We are thankful that you shared your experiences with us! Thank you for highlighting how satisfied you were with the cleanliness. Also, we are happy that you shared how amazing is the view from the balcony of our hotel. Although, we apologize for the inconvenience that you experienced. We are thankful for our guests’ feedbacks, so thank you for sharing your opinion on the breakfast, we will look into the issue! Overall, we are happy to read that you were satisfied with us! All in all, we hope you had a wonderful time here, and we hope to see you in the near future! Best wishes, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Markéta (Solo traveller)
20. Aoû. 2022
Good: V okolí hotelu je cyklostezka kolem Dunaje, dá se tam vzít psa na procházku. Směrem na sever za výškovou budovou Erste Bank je plovárna a lázně. Směrem do města se dá z nábřežní promenády zahnout do souběžné ulice u centra, kde je více stínu a jsou tam četné restaurace a bary s venkovními zahrádkami, kde je v létě velký výběr mezi nimi. Hned vedle hotelu jsou přímo na nábřežní promenádě trampolíny a houpačky pro děti a lehátka na sezení a ležení s výhledem na Dunaj. V hotelu byly čtyři vnitřní bazény s různou teplotou vody. Plavecký je docela velký a má 24-26 stupňů Celsia, vedle je malý pro děti, kde je 32-34 stupňů teplá voda a vedle něj jsou dva teplé 36-38 stupňů, ve kterých se dá sedět na lavicích nebo i plavat a v jednom z nich se zapínají po určité době vždy na nějakou dobu vířivky. Jinak to bylo jako na plovárně. Je tam plavčík a skříňky na klíček, pro toho kdo to chce a sprchy. U vstupu do této wellness části hotelu je vlastní samostatná recepce, kde je oproti předložení kartičky od pokoje k vyzvednutí normální bílý ručník, který si může vzít sebou člověk k bazénu a dát si ho tam na lehátko a vzít si sebou věci a dát si je tam na své lehátko nebo je nechat ve skříňce. Vstup do bazénu je přes mužské a ženské šatny hned naproti wellness recepce. Lehátek bylo dost. Rozestupy mezi lidmi byly velké. Zaplavala jsem si dobře.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, Thank you so much for rating our hotel, the Danubius Hotel Helia and giving us feedback about your stay! We really appreciate that you chose our hotel for your stay in Budapest. We would like to say thank you for sharing your experiences with so many details, we truly appreciate it! Thank you for mentioning the good location of the hotel. Also, thank you for sharing how much you enjoyed our spa. Our future guests’ will find your feedback really helpful, because you gave so many details about our spa and the area of the hotel, it is really useful for those who visit us for the first time, so thank you very much! We appreciate when our guests’ share their experiences and thoughts with us, because we can learn a lot from them, and we always want to improve. It was our pleasure to have you here! Overall, we hope that you had a fantastic time, and we hope that you collected many great memories during your stay. Our team will always wait for you with a warm welcome. We can’t wait to be your host again in the near future! Until then we wish you all the best! Best wishes, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Anna (Solo traveller)
20. Aoû. 2022
Good: struttura super accogliente, personale gentile, pulizia eccellente Bad: tutto perfetto
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, We would like to say thank you for taking the time to review our hotel! Thank you very much for giving Danubius Hotel Helia such a nice feedback and rating. We are pleased to read that you were satisfied with our staff’s work! Also, thank you for highlighting the great location in the city center. It makes us happy to read that you enjoyed our delicious breakfast as well. Overall, we hope you had a wonderful time and made many good memories! We look forward to seeing you again! Best regards, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Hajnalka (Solo traveller)
20. Aoû. 2022
Good: Kedves segítőkész emberek.Kényelmes szoba,csodálatos kilátás a Dunára.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Kedves Vendégünk! Mindenekelőtt hadd köszönjük meg, hogy időt szánt szállodánk értékelésére! Köszönjük, hogy minket a Danubius Hotel Hélia szállodát választotta budapesti szállásának helyszínéül! Hálásak vagyunk ezért a kiemelkedő pontszámért, amivel értékelte nálunk töltött idejét. Külön köszönjük, hogy kiemelte mennyire elégedett volt személyzetünkkel! Illetve örülünk, hogy szépnek találta szobáink és a kilátást szállodánkból! Örömmel olvassuk, hogy kellemesen telt a nálunk tartózkodásuk! Máskor is várjuk vissza Önöket szeretettel! Üdvözlettel, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Craig (Solo traveller)
20. Aoû. 2022
Good: Spa pool area pleasant. Balcony river view perfect. Good spot for public transport. Easy pick up for taxis too. Nice touch providing fruit water every day all day. Incredible multi lingual reception staff. Bad: It really was lovely but if we had to say anything negative…Arrived at 1am ish and shower was broken - so late we couldn’t be bothered to ask anyone. I bodged a fix myself that night by using a cotton bud! The tea and coffee was so minimal and never topped up.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, Thank you so much for rating Danubius Hotel Helia and giving us feedback about your stay! We really appreciate that you chose our hotel for your stay in Budapest. We appreciate that you highlighted the great spa of the hotel, and the breathtaking view to the river. Also, we are glad that you were satisfied with the location too. Furthermore, thank you for highlighting our staff’s work. Although, we apologize for the inconvenience that you experienced! We are always thankful for our guests’ feedbacks, because we always want to learn and to improve! We will look into this issue to make sure it never happens again. Besides that, we hope you collected many great memories, and we hope that we can be your host again next time you are in town! Until then we wish you all the best! Best wishes, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Stanescu (Solo traveller)
20. Aoû. 2022
Bad: Baia. Toaleta veche, cu tartru si apa de la chiuveta nu prea se scurgea.
Source: Booking.com

Torsten (Solo traveller)
19. Aoû. 2022
Good: Es gab ein gutes und ausreichendes Frühstück! Das Personal war sehr freundlich und hilfsbereit! Wir haben guten Service erlebt!!! Bad: Die Parkplatzgebühren am Hotel hätten etwas preiswerter sein können....
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, We would like to say thank you for taking the time to review our hotel! Thank you very much for giving Danubius Hotel Helia such a nice feedback and rating. We are pleased to read that you were satisfied with us! Thank you for highlighting our amazing, professional staff, we appreciate it. Moreover, it makes us happy that you enjoyed the breakfast and variety as well. It was our pleasure to have you here! Overall, we hope you had a pleasant time and made many good memories! We look forward to welcome you back again! Best regards, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Vivien (Solo traveller)
19. Aoû. 2022
Good: Super Lage, gute Anbindung zum Zentrum. Sehr modernes, sauberes Hotel. Freundliches Personal. Leckeres Frühstück, für jeden was dabei. Toller Wellnessbereich.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, Let us start by thanking you for choosing Danubius Hotel Helia and sharing your experiences with us! Thank you so much for sharing how great our location is in the heart of the city. Also thank you for highlighting how much you enjoyed our delicious breakfast. Furthermore, we are glad that you were satisfied with our helpful staff as well. Once again thank you for your kind feedback, we are happy that all in all you had this very good experience here! We hope to see you again soon! Best wishes, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Preda (Solo traveller)
19. Aoû. 2022
Good: Zona SPA Bad: lipsa balconului
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, We would like to say thank you for taking the time to review our hotel! Thank you very much for giving Danubius Hotel Helia such a nice feedback and rating. We are pleased to read that you were satisfied with us! Thank you for highlighting our amazing spa facilities, we appreciate it. Although, we apologize for the inconvenience that you experienced! Thank you for bringing the issue to our attention. We are always thankful for our guests’ feedbacks, because we always want to learn and to improve. Overall, we hope you had a pleasant time and made many good memories! We look forward to welcome you back again! Best regards, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Stepanka (Solo traveller)
18. Aoû. 2022
Good: We loved the rooms as well as the hotel facilities such as the spa and the gym. Breakfasts were exceptional and we welcomed the open terrace. Great atmosphere for a morning coffee or an evening drink. Bad: The line at the check-in was pretty long and wasn't moving very much. We were maybe fourth in line and it took almost an hour to get a turn with two open front desks.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, Let us express our gratitude for your kind review. We appreciate that you highlighted our nice rooms, our various facilities, as well as the exceptional breakfast we offer. It means a lot to us that you decided to visit us this time. We hope to welcome you back in the future! Best regards, Erzsébet Mányi-Szabó, Front Office Manager

Laura (Solo traveller)
18. Aoû. 2022
Good: Das Hotel ist sehr schön und sauber. Die Lage ist toll die bus Station ist in der Nähe - Supermarkt, Drogerie etc. ist gegenüber. Das Personal ist überaus hilfsbereit und freundlich. Haben nach einem Afroshop gefragt und die Dame am Empfang hat uns gleich einen gesucht mit Wegbeschreibung! (Sprechen auch teilweise Deutsch) eine sehr große Auswahl am Frühstücksbüffet und lecker war es auch :) das Hotel ist sehr zu empfehlen!!
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Lieber Gast, Ihre wunderbare Bewertung macht uns sehr glücklich. Vielen Dank, dass Sie die Sauberkeit und die tolle Lage unseres Hotels sowie unser freundliches Personal hervorgehoben haben. Wir freuen uns, dass Sie uns weiterempfehlen würden. Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich dieses Mal für uns entschieden haben. Hoffentlich haben wir bald wieder die Gelegenheit, Sie bei uns zu empfangen! Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Erzsébet Mányi-Szabó, Front Office Manager

Inspector (Solo traveller)
18. Aoû. 2022
Good: Mindig nagyon jol van. Ujra megyek.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Kedves Vendégünk! Először is nagyon szépen köszönjük kedves értékelését. Nagy örömmel tölt el minket, hogy meg volt elégedve szállodánkkal. Köszönjük, hogy ezúttal ellátogatott hozzánk. Már nagyon várjuk következő látogatását! Üdvözlettel, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet, Front Office Manager

Hana (Solo traveller)
17. Aoû. 2022
Good: الهدوء والموقع والبانوراما Bad: صغر حجم الحمام ، وعدم وجود شطاف للتواليت
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, We would like to say thank you for taking the time to review our hotel! Thank you very much for giving Danubius Hotel Helia such a nice feedback and rating. We are pleased to read that you were satisfied with us! Thank you for highlighting our amazing, professional staff, we appreciate it. Moreover, it makes us happy that you described your stay as lovely. It was our pleasure to have you here! Although, we apologize for the inconvenience that you experienced! Thank you for bringing the issue to our attention. Overall, we hope you had a pleasant time and made many good memories! We look forward to welcome you back again! Best regards, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Ágnes (Solo traveller)
17. Aoû. 2022
Good: Nagyon jó elhelyezkedésű hotel, minden tetszett.Nagyon barátságosak az alkalmazottak egytől egyig, ez valóban kiemelkedő, példamutató 🙂 A reggeli bőséges, mindenki talál kedvére valót. A wellness részleg is tetszett, kiváló lehetőség a pihenésre. Mi rollerrel fedeztük fel Budapestet, és szerencsére közvetlenül a hotellel szemben található roller parkoló.Ez nagyon kényelmes volt. Szívesen ajánlom mindenkinek ezt a hotelt.🙂 Bad: A matrac nekünk elég puha volt, de ezenkívül minden rendbe volt.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Kedves Vendégünk! Mindenekelőtt hadd köszönjük meg, hogy időt szánt szállodánk értékelésére! Köszönjük, hogy minket a Danubius Hotel Hélia szállodát választotta szállásának helyszínéül! Nagy örömmel olvassuk, hogy ennyire meg voltak elégedve szállodánkkal itt töltött idejük alatt. Külön köszönjük, hogy kiemelte mennyire kedves és segítőkész volt személyzetünk! Továbbá, köszönjük, hogy megemlítette mennyire elégedett volt reggelinkkel is. Még egyszer hálásan köszönjük ezt a szép értékelést! Reméljük sok szép emlékkel gazdagodtak. Máskor is várjuk vissza Önöket szeretettel! Üdvözlettel, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Heli (Solo traveller)
17. Aoû. 2022
Good: שירות מושלם!!!!!
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, We really appreciate that you took your time to rate Danubius Hotel Helia! We are thankful that you shared your experiences with us! Thank you for highlighting how satisfied you were with the service. It was our pleasure to have you here! Overall, we are happy to read that you were satisfied with us! All in all, we hope you had a wonderful time here, and we hope to see you in the near future! Best wishes, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Michaela (Solo traveller)
15. Aoû. 2022
Good: Krasny hotel s vyhledem na Dunaj, bohate snidane s velkym vyberem, prijemny wellness. Vyborne jidlo v restauraci a vyborna domluva s personalem. Za nas maximalni spokojenost 🔝 Bad: Nebylo co vytknout, spokojenost
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, First, we would like to say thank you for rating us and giving us feedback about your stay in Danubius Hotel Helia! We really appreciate that you shared your thoughts and experiences with us! We are happy to read that you were satisfied with our wellness facilities. Also, thank you for mentioning how nice our rooms are with amazing view. Furthermore, thank you for mentioning the great meals that we serve. Once again thank you for the supportive review! We can’t wait to welcome you again! Best wishes, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Frank (Solo traveller)
13. Aoû. 2022
Good: Prachtige locatie net buiten het echte centrum. De kamers waren groot en schoon met een balkon en uitzicht op de Donau. Het ontbijt was goed, met heel veel keuze. Bad: Buffetrestaurant viel tegen, maar gelukkig was er nog een eetcafe met heerlijk eten.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, First of all, let me say a huge thank you that you gave us this detailed feedback on our amazing Danubius Hotel Helia. Thank you very much for mentioning many things that you liked, such as the breakfast, the view and the cleanness of our rooms. Our doors will always be open for you. Best regards, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Lihi (Solo traveller)
13. Aoû. 2022
Good: הכלללל
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, Let me express our gratitude that you gave us this excellent rating on our amazing Danubius Hotel Helia. I am happy to see that you were satisfied with our service and what we can offer. We truly look forward to hosting you here again and we hope that you will be our guest again. Best regards, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Zhuldyzay (Solo traveller)
12. Aoû. 2022
Bad: не понравилось тока одно, наша комната находилась с краю можно сказать последняя. Wi-Fi можно сказать там не ловит, очень сложно было.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, Thank you so much for rating Danubius Hotel Helia and giving us feedback about your stay! We really appreciate that you chose our hotel for your stay in Budapest. It is regretful that we couldn’t meet all your expectations! We apologize for the inconvenience that you experienced! We are always thankful for our guests’ feedbacks, because we always want to learn and to improve! Besides that, we hope you collected many great memories, and we hope that we can be your host again next time you are in town, so you could see how much we can improve! Until then we wish you all the best! Best wishes, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Edith (Solo traveller)
12. Aoû. 2022
Good: I have stayed many times at Hotel Helia, incl. April 2022 and May 2022. Usually the service in both the restaurant and spa area is very good and helpful. However, this time in August 2022 the check-in procedure was awful, although check-out worked smooth! Hotel Helia has all of what I appreciate, a delightful swimming pool, hot water baths, sauna, water fitness, massage and much more. Very good buffet breakfast in the main restaurant, and also a good bistro restaurant with tasty dishes for snacks and simple meals, a comfortable terrace, walking areas just outside the hotel by the Danube with many chairs, benches and even reclining chairs at the quay to rest on if needed. Very good central location with excellent bus service just outside the hotel and a supermarket opposite the hotel. Coffee, tea and fridge in the room and more. Thankfully in hot August the air-condition worked fine and the room with balcony was perfect! Only about 45 minutes by taxi from hotel to airport, but the price did not seem right in Aug. 2022 from hotel to airport, 10000 incl tip in May 2022 and 15000 incl. tip in August 2022, both at noon on weekday. Bad: The check-in procedure was both in May 2022 and in August 2022 lengthy, tedious and extremely slow. It seems to me that the staff is having problems with their computer system. The search function seems to pose difficulties. This is – as I view it – not due to new privacy rules but more likely the computer system handling and coordination. For future guests I recommend that you carefully read your personal data on the print-out, which the hotel requires you to sign at check-in. Don’t sign blindfolded, do read and check that your name is spelt correctly and if other personal data is correct.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, First, we would like to say thank you for rating us and giving us feedback about your stay in Danubius Hotel Helia! We really appreciate that you shared your thoughts and experiences with us! We truly appreciate that you gave us this detailed feedback about all your experiences during the times you stayed here. We are extremely thankful that we had this pleasure to welcome you this many times in our beloved hotel! Thank you for highlighting how much you like our spa, swimming pool, fitness and other facilities. Also, thank you for sharing how delicious our meals are, and how nice view we have from the hotel to the river. Furthermore, it might help new guests to mention that we are close to many public transport options. Although, we apologize for the inconvenience that you experienced during check-in! We always appreciate our kind guests’ constructive critics, because we always want to learn and to improve! We will look into the issue, and hopefully next time when your travel plans bring you back the problem will be solved already. Besides that, we truly hope that you enjoyed your time here and collected many great memories! It was our pleasure to have you here and we can’t wait to welcome you again! Best wishes, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Rudolf (Solo traveller)
10. Aoû. 2022
Good: bol som spokojný super cena pekný hotel priamo pri Dunaji veľa možnosti na bicyklovanie... Bad: vo veľkom bazéne bola studena voda boli tam aj 3 teple tie boli super...
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, Thank you for choosing us and taking time to share your experiences about our hotel. It’s pleasing to see your high ratings, and your positive opinion. We are glad that you had a great time here and could discover our beautiful city thanks to our hotel’s perfect location. We cannot wait to welcome you soon again. Best regards, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Petr (Solo traveller)
10. Aoû. 2022
Good: Swimming pools Breakfast Bad: Old equipment of rooms
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, Let me thank you your great rating on our amazing Danubius Hotel Helia. It is our pleasure to see that you were satisfied with us and we could meet your expectations. We truly look forward to hosting you here again. Best regards, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Petr (Solo traveller)
10. Aoû. 2022
Good: Hotel byl super. Čtyři bazény byli opravdu suprové. Voda od 28 do 38 stupňů. Prostě pro labužníky Bad: Není co hanit, snídaně, bazény pokoje , parkování absolutní jednička. Doporučuji všem.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, First of all, thank you very much for being our guest at our fascinating Danubius Hotel Helia. We were more than glad to read your detailed review. Special thanks for your recommendations, as well. In the near future when you come to our capital again, our doors will be open for you. Best regards, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Ahmed (Solo traveller)
09. Aoû. 2022
Veldig bra hotell, med topp service.
Source: Hotels.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest,Thank you very much for taking the effort to give this excellent rating on our amazing Danubius Hotel Helia. It am more than glad to see that you were satisfied with what we can offer. Our doors will always be open for you.Best regards,Mányi-Szabó ErzsébetFront Office Manager

Monika (Solo traveller)
09. Aoû. 2022
Good: Minden: rendezett és tiszta szoba, gyönyörű panoráma, nem túl zsúfolt termál medencék, wellness szolgáltatások
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Kedves Vendégünk! Először is, köszönjük, hogy a Danubius Hotel Héliát választotta itt tartózkodása során. Nagyszerű látni, hogy meg volt elégedve a szolgáltatásainkkal, mint például a rendezett szobáinkkal, a panorámánkkal, valamit wellness szolgáltatásainkkal. A jövőben is várjuk vissza hozzánk. Üdvözlettel: Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Marie (Solo traveller)
09. Aoû. 2022
Good: Moc hezký hotel, vstřícný personál, bohatá snídani. Mohu jen doporučit 👍
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, Let me express my thankfulness for choosing our amazing Danubius Hotel Helia. Also, thank you for taking the time and effort for writing this amazing review and recommendation. I would like to thank you for mentioning our great staff and beautiful atmosphere. We are always waiting for you here with a warm welcome. Best regards, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Adriana (Solo traveller)
09. Aoû. 2022
Good: Desayuno variado y delicioso, el hotel impecable, personal muy amable, habitaciones cómodas, no se escuchaba ruido de afuera, la ubicación es excelente y se puede ir a pie a la mayoría de sitios turísticos, queda frente a la isla de la libertad, todo excelente. Bad: Todo me gustó
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, It is my pleasure to read your review on our amazing Danubius Hotel Helia. Thank you very much for highlighting many things that you liked at the hotel, such as the ample and great breakfast, the friendly staff and the good location. We truly look forward to hosting you here again. Best regards, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Christian (Solo traveller)
09. Aoû. 2022
Good: Ruhige Lage mit Blick auf die Donau Bad: Die Hotel bar ist nur bis 23:00 geöffnet
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, First of all, thank you for giving this great rating on our amazing Danubius Hotel Helia. I would like to thank you for mentioning our amazing view on Danube and our quiet place. When you visit our beautiful capital again, we look forward to hosting you here again. Best regards, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Remus (Solo traveller)
09. Aoû. 2022
Bad: Parking platit - 10 euro/zi
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, Thank you so much for taking your precious time to share these nice thoughts with us after your most recent stay at Danubius Hotel Helia. We are super delighted that you totally loved our place, and it makes us absolutely happy that you highlighted our great facilities and staff in your rating. We genuinely hope that you were enriched by many beautiful memories during the time you spent here, and that we will have the chance to host you again. Kind regards, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Nikos (Solo traveller)
08. Aoû. 2022
Good: Μεγάλο δωμάτια Άνετα κρεβάτια και μαξιλάρια. Υπέροχη θέα στον Δούναβη. Μεγάλο και άνετο πάρκινγκ. Εγώ που ταξιδεύω με μηχανή δεν με χρέωσαν. Τρεις διαφορετικές πισίνες με άλλη θερμοκρασία κάθε μία. Σε κοντινή απόσταση από το κοινόβουλιο. Πολύ πλούσιο και γευστικό πρωινό. Είχε κλιματισμό και ψυγείο. Bad: Δεν μπορώ να βρω κάτι που δεν μου άρεσε.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, Let me begin with a huge thank you for taking the time and effort to share your opinion and experience at our amazing and wonderful Danubius Hotel Helia. It is our pleasure that you chose our hotel for your stay. Special thanks for highlighting our ample breakfast and comfortable rooms. We look forward to hosting you here again as soon as possible. Best regards, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Nikola (Solo traveller)
08. Aoû. 2022
Good: I liked the breakfast. Its very delicious. Olive s are good, taste of home land, not import. The view on the river Dunav is romantic and nice. Sure i will come back.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, It is truly my pleasure to read your review on our amazing Danubius Hotel Helia. Also, thank you for giving us this nice rating. We are delighted that you liked the view and that you would like to come back. Of course, we are waiting for you with open doors. Best regards, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Oksana (Solo traveller)
08. Aoû. 2022
Good: Very good location, tasty breakfast, pleasant atmosphere. Bad: The hairdryer was too weak and bad. It was turning off every minute because of overheating.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, Let me express my thankfulness for taking the time and effort to write this nice review on our amazing Danubius Hotel Helia. It is our pleasure that you could find our location very good, our breakfast tasty and our atmosphere pleasant. We are always waiting for you with open doors and a warm welcome. Best regards, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Rudolf (Solo traveller)
08. Aoû. 2022
Good: Celkovo spokojnosť milý personál super strava 🙂 Bad: Možno by som vytkol studená voda vo veľkom bazéne boli sme 4 ani jeden nená bral odvahu do nej stupit.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, Thank you very much that you were our guest at our amazing Danubius Hotel Helia. Also, thank you for highlighting our great and professional staff, good meals. We are glad that you were satisfied with most of our services. Our doors are always open for welcoming you here again. Best regards, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Issa (Solo traveller)
08. Aoû. 2022
Good: كل شيىء
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, Thank you for your valuable feedback about Danubius Hotel Helia.We are delighted to hear that you enjoyed your visit and we appreciate your kind review. We are looking forward to welcoming you back! Best regards, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Issa (Solo traveller)
08. Aoû. 2022
Good: كل شيئ
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, Thank you for your valuable feedback about Danubius Hotel Helia.We are delighted to hear that you enjoyed your visit and we appreciate your kind review. We are looking forward to welcoming you back! Best regards, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Imre (Solo traveller)
07. Aoû. 2022
Good: Hinter der unscheinbaren Fassade ein top aussehende Innenarchitektur. Wellnessbereich und Frühstück waren Klasse. Bad: Check-in hat ewig gedauert, da nur ein Schalter besetzt war.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, It is our pleasure that you were our guest at our amazing Danubius Hotel Helia. Thank you very much for your rating and nice review, as well. Special thanks for mentioning that we have a great view and great meals. When you visit our capital again, we would be more than glad to host you here. Best regards, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Jens (Solo traveller)
07. Aoû. 2022
Good: Wir fanden das Hotel gut, es war alles okay, die Lobby und das Restaurant waren neu und sehr stylisch gestaltet. Die vier Thermalbecken haben uns voll ausgereicht. Parken war direkt davor mit Zugangsschranke und Ticket, kostete extra, machte aber einen sicheren Eindruck. Die Lage ist zwar nicht im Stadtzentrum, aber wir sind zur Margareteninsel und auch zum Parlament gelaufen und auch dies war interessant. Außerdem gibt es massenweise Taxis!!! Immer und überall!!! Bad: -
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, First of all, thank you very much for taking the time end effort to write a detailed review on our amazing Danubius Hotel Helia. It is great to see that you were satisfied with the styling of our hotel and you gave us a great rating for every aspect. Furthermore, we are glad that you found our capital beautiful and enjoyable. We look forward to hosting you here again with a warm and friendly welcome. Best regards, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Artbo13 (Solo traveller)
07. Aoû. 2022
Good: Baseny termalne w hotelu, miła obsługa. Bardzo dobre miejsce do zatrzymania się całej rodziny w Budapeszcie. Blisko wyspy Małgorzaty gdzie są termy i spokój. Bad: W Yellow bar mogli by szybciej obsługiwać klientów.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, I would like to express my gratitude for choosing our great Danubius Hotel Helia. Special thanks for highlighting our facilities and professional staff, as well as our great location. Of course, we are always welcoming you here with open arms. Best regards, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Efrem (Couple)
06. Aoû. 2022
Looks of the inside of the hotel. Facilities. The staff was great
Source: Expedia

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, Let me express my gratitude for sharing your review on our amazing Danubius Hotel Helia. Special thanks for highlighting that we have a great staff and that our facilities look nice, as well. Furthermore, thank you very much for your rating. We look forward to hosting you here again. Best regards, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Nicolai (Solo traveller)
06. Aoû. 2022
Good: Super spa, pool og træningsfaciliteter. Super god morgenmadsbuffet. God service og god beliggenhed lige ned til Douna og lidt udenfor centrum.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, It is our greatest pleasure that you found our wonderful Danubius Hotel Helia a really fascinating hotel in Budapest. I would like to express my appreciation for highlighting that we have an amazing location, breakfast and gym. We would like to see you here again when you visit our beautiful capital in the near future. Best regards, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Radek (Solo traveller)
06. Aoû. 2022
Good: Skvělá volba hotelu, strategicky výborně položený, bazény k dispozici celý den, snídaně super. Bad: Jediné lehké minus jsou poněkud měkké postele.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, First, we would like to say thank you for rating us and giving us feedback about your stay in Danubius Hotel Helia! We really appreciate that you shared your thoughts and experiences with us! Thank you for mentioning our good location. Also, thank you for mentioning how much you enjoyed our pools. Furthermore, thank you for mentioning that you like our delicious breakfast too. Moreover, thank you for the constructive criticism, we are always thankful for our guests’ feedbacks, because we always want to learn and improve! Once again thank you for the supportive review! We can’t wait to welcome you again! Best wishes, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Ruud (Solo traveller)
05. Aoû. 2022
Good: A reggeli első osztályú volt. A légkondi jòl működött. ( Nekünk ez nagyon fontos volt) Jò a wellnes rész is, esetleg egy kinti medence még jòl jönne. A szoba felújított volt, egyszerű de teljesen rendben volt. Az egyik matrac kicsit ferde volt, de ez nem zavart minket. Bad: Minden tetszett.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Kedves Vendégünk! Mindenekelőtt hadd köszönjük meg, hogy időt szánt szállodánk értékelésére! Köszönjük, hogy minket a Danubius Hotel Hélia szállodát választotta szállásának helyszínéül! Nagy örömmel olvassuk, hogy ennyire meg voltak elégedve szállodánkkal itt töltött idejük alatt. Külön köszönjük, hogy kiemelte mennyire kedves és segítőkész volt személyzetünk! Továbbá, köszönjük, hogy megemlítette mennyire meg volt elégedve wellness részünkkel. Még egyszer hálásan köszönjük ezt a szép értékelést! Reméljük sok szép emlékkel gazdagodtak. Máskor is várjuk vissza Önöket szeretettel! Üdvözlettel, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Nikos (Solo traveller)
05. Aoû. 2022
Good: Μεγάλο δωμάτιο. Πολύ καθαρό. Με θέα στον Δούναβη. Η reception ήταν εξυπηρετική και γρήγορη. Το πρωίνο ειχε τα πάντα. Τρεις πισίνες εσωτερικές με διαφορετική θερμοκρασία του νερού σε κάθε μία. 15 λεπτά περπάτημα από το κοινοβούλιο. Το πάρκινγκ μεγάλο και άνετο. Για τη μηχανή που ταξιδεύω εγώ ήταν δωρεάν Προτείνετε ανεπιφύλακτα. Bad: Πρέπει να ψάξεις πολύ για να βρεις κάτι που δεν σου αρέσει.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, First, we would like to say thank you for rating us and giving us feedback about your stay in Danubius Hotel Helia! We really appreciate that you shared your thoughts and experiences with us! Thank you so much for recommending us to others! We can’t even express how happy it makes us! Also, thank you for mentioning how clean and comfortable our rooms are with amazing view. Furthermore, thank you for mentioning the great location. Once again thank you for the supportive review! We can’t wait to welcome you again! Best wishes, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Marek (Solo traveller)
05. Aoû. 2022
Good: Wellness super Bad: Škoda že to není polopenze jinak vše v pořádku. ceny předražený
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, First, we would like to say thank you for rating us and giving us feedback about your stay in Danubius Hotel Helia! We really appreciate that you shared your thoughts and experiences with us! Thank you so much for sharing how much you enjoyed our spa. We are glad that everything was fine during your stay. Once again thank you for the review! We can’t wait to welcome you again! Best wishes, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Antonio C (Solo traveller)
04. Aoû. 2022
주차도 편하고 주변에 마트 주변에 공원 강까지 있어서 매우좋다. 내부에 수영장 마사지도 있습니다. 시내보다는 한적해서 숙박하기에 좋습니다.
Source: Google

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, I would like to begin with expressing my most sincere gratefulness for the wonderful review you wrote about your recent stay in our Danubius Hotel Helia. It pleases me greatly to see you were entirely happy with your holiday experience. It is nice that you highlighted our great location, and spa area. I truly hope your lovely experience will lead you back to us someday, please be assured that we will always commit everything to provide you a magnificent stay. Kind regards, Erzsbébet Mányi-Szabó, Front Office Manager

Katalin (Solo traveller)
04. Aoû. 2022
Good: Midden in de stad, toch zeer rustige, groene omgeving, makkelijk te vinden. Bad: Op het Margitsziget was nog beter geweest.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, We would like to say thank you for taking the time to review our hotel! Thank you very much for giving Danubius Hotel Helia feedback and rating. We are pleased to read that you were satisfied with our location. All in all, we hope you had a pleasant stay and collected many great memories! We look forward to welcoming you back again! Best regards, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Robert (Solo traveller)
03. Aoû. 2022
Good: The pools are fantastic. Very comfortable. Nice views of the river and island..
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, Let us start by thanking you for choosing Danubius Hotel Helia and sharing your experiences with us! Thank you so much for sharing how great our location is next to the river. Also thank you for highlighting how amazing our pools are, we are glad you enjoyed them. Also, thank you for sharing how comfortable our beds and rooms are. Once again thank you for your kind feedback, we are happy that all in all you had this very good experience here! Our team will always wait for you with a warm welcome! We hope to see you soon! Best wishes, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Nicky (Solo traveller)
02. Aoû. 2022
Good: Staff were very helpful and accommodating despite a very busy weekend due to Grand Prix. We had to make an urgent request for extra beds in our room as my daughters accomodation with her friends was double booked and the hotel agreed this at the last minute. They were helpful day and night with drinks and food in the Bistro. Lovely spa pool area (choice of three temperatures, open til 10pm). Good gym. Fresh fruit/ mint water in the lobby. Easy access to Danube for walks/runs and public transport to more ce tral areas. Convenient supermarket across the road. Rooms and linen clean Bad: Bathroom small, shower over bath. Location a bit out of centre so a long walk(about 30mins) and not much choice of restaurants near hotel. Try vak Varju
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, First and foremost, we would like to thank you for taking your time to compose such a kind feedback about Danubius Hotel Hélia. We are pleased to read that you had a great time and our lovely staff was helpful and accommodating. This is indeed a great reassurance for us and we will definitely forward your kind words to them. Thank you for highlighting the relaxing spa area, the delicious and various dishes and the convenient location. We are looking forward welcoming you back again in the future! King regards, Erzsébet Mányi-Szabó Front Office Manager

Claire (Solo traveller)
01. Aoû. 2022
Good: I really like all inside the hotel and outside så relaxing. And the swimming fool and everthing. Food and Bar love it. Bad: Nothing
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, We would like to thank you for leaving an excellent review about Danubius Hotel Hélia. We are thrilled to read how satisfied you were with everything. Thank you for highlighting the beautiful interior the relaxing spa are and the delicious food and drink offers. We hope you had a pleasant day and will choose us again in the future! King regards, Erzsébet Mányi-Szabó Front Office Manager

Marcel Romeling (Solo traveller)
01. Aoû. 2022
Supervriendelijk personeel. Mooie schone kamers Goed restaurant en mooie wellness.
Source: Google

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, First of all, your kind review makes us beyond delighted. Thank you for highlighting our friendly staff, clean rooms, good restaurant, as well as our pleasant wellness area. We hope you had a great time here. We are looking forward to your next visit! Best regards, Erzsébet Mányi-Szabó, Front Office Manager

Kristina (Solo traveller)
01. Aoû. 2022
they tried to accommodate all our needs didn't like that they do not clean rooms during your stay
Source: Expedia

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, Let me thank you for taking the time to write a review on our wonderful Danubius Hotel Helia. It is amazing that you give us this satisfying rating, as well. At the same time, I would like to thank you for highlighting the ways where we can improve. We truly hope that we can host you at our hotel again. We are always waiting for you with a warm welcome. Best regards, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Razvan (Solo traveller)
01. Aoû. 2022
Good: Wellness, dinner, lunch, staff very friendly and profi Bad: It was ok everything
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, First of all, let us thank you for the excellent review you have given about Danubius Hotel Hélia. It is a pleasure to read that you had a great time and we have managed to exceed all of your expectations. We hope you left us with pleasant memories and will choose us again in the future. King regards, Erzsébet Mányi-Szabó Front Office Manager

Lenka (Solo traveller)
01. Aoû. 2022
Good: Snidane perfektní, velký výběr, vše čerstvé a stále doplňováno. Pokoje čisté, prostorné. Součástí byla i sauna. Několik bazénů a velká vířivka. Pěkná terasa u hotelového baru a restaurace. Z pokoje výhled na Dunaj. Dál od centra, ale dobře dopravní spojení. Bad: Slabší výkon klimatizace v pokoji.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, We would like to thank you for taking your time to review Danubius Hotel Hélia. We are thrilled to read that you enjoyed the perfect, various breakfast, the spacious and clean rooms and the lovely hotel bar area. Indeed we are not right in the center but there are many options to get there quickly. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience caused. We are looking forward welcoming you back in the future! King regards, Erzsébet Mányi-Szabó Front Office Manager

Loredana-rodica (Solo traveller)
30. Jui. 2022
Good: Micul dejun pe toate gusturile, variat, alimente proaspete, excelent. Locația superba Bad: Nu sunt lucruri care nu mi au placut
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, Let us express how much we appreciate your excellent review about Danubius Hotel Hélia. It is amazing that our rich and delicious breakfast exceeded your expectations. Thank you for highlighting the superb location, indeed we are very well located. We hope that you will choose us again in the future! King regards, Erzsébet Mányi-Szabó Front Office Manager

Attiláné (Solo traveller)
30. Jui. 2022
Good: Az ágy nagyon kényelmes. Úgy éreztem magam, mint otthon. A reggeliztetés kiváló, a személyzet nagyon kedves. A hotel nagyon szép, tiszta. Bad: Hiányoltam a Minibárt, a fürdőszoba egy kicsit leharcolt, de tiszta.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Kedves Vendégünk, Köszönjük szépen, hogy időt szánt a Danubius Hotel Hélia értékelésére. Örömmel tölt el minket, hogy mindennel elégedett volt és hogy kellemesen telt a nálunk töltött idő. Köszönjük, hogy kiemelte a kényelmes ágyat, a kiváló reggelit és a kedves, segítőkész személyzetet. Sok szeretettel visszavárjuka jövőben is! Köszönettel, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Elina (Solo traveller)
29. Jui. 2022
Nautimme vierailustamme. Hyvä sijainti, hieno näköala joelle, mukava huone. Aamulla ja illalla oli rentouttavaa pulahtaa kylpylään.
Source: Hotels.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, We really appreciate that you reviewed Danubius Hotel Helia and shared your experience with us! Thank you for the rating! We would like to say thank you for highlighting our good location! Also, thank you for mentioning how satisfied you were with the view from the hotel and with the room itself! All in all, we hope you had a fantastic and relaxing time at our hotel. We look forward to welcoming you back again! Until then, we wish you all the best! Best wishes, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

April (Solo traveller)
29. Jui. 2022
Good: The place is so beautiful . Our hotel room has an amazing overview. We enjoyed the spa.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, Thank you for reviewing Danubius Hotel Hélia based on your recent visit. It is a pleasure to read that you had a great time and left us with a positive experience. Thank you for highlighting the beautiful view and the relaxing spa area. We hope that you will choose us again in the future! King regards, Erzsébet Mányi-Szabó Front Office Manager

Michał (Solo traveller)
28. Jui. 2022
Good: Hotel czysty, w dobrej lokalizacji. Obsługa uśmiechnięta, zawsze chętnie odpowiadała na pytania. W pokoju było wszystko co trzeba: łóżko, zestaw do herbaty/kawy, telewizor, łazienka z wanną. Największą zaletą hotelu są śniadania, które były bardzo dobre i różnorodne (każdy znajdzie dla siebie coś dobrego). W cenie pokoju dostęp do basenów i strefy spa co jest dodatkową zaletą. Cena za pokój była bardzo dobra w stosunku do świadczonych usług. Bad: Na minus wnętrze pokoi, które w przeciwieństwie do holu hotelowego były starsze.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, First of all we would like to thank you for taking your time and composing a feedback about Danubius Hotel Hélia. It is a great pleasure to read how much you enjoyed your stay. Thank you for highlighting the cleanliness and the great location, indeed we receive many positive comments about them both. We are glad that our rich and tasty breakfast has exceeded your expectations, we hope that it was the best way to start your day. We are very much looking forward to your next stay! King regards, Erzsébet Mányi-Szabó Front Office Manager

Ran (Solo traveller)
27. Jui. 2022
Good: חדרים נקיים ,בסך הכל 10 דקות מכל העומס של העיר איזור מצוין ויפה מוניות זמינות באפליקציית bolt ספא מושלם ! הכי טוב שהייתי ללא ספק!
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, Thank you for taking your time to compose a feedback about Danubius Hotel Hélia. We are glad to read that you a fantastic time thanks to the great location and the relaxing spa! We do hope that you will choose us again in the future! King regards, Erzsébet Mányi-Szabó Front Office Manager

Makisu (Solo traveller)
27. Jui. 2022
Good: Die Zimmer sind groß und sauber. Das Frühstück sehr reichhaltig und große Auswahl. Das Spa ist auch sehr zum empfehlen.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, First of all let us thank you for taking your time to compose a feedback about Danubius Hotel Hélia. We are happy to read that you enjoyed the rich breakfast and the spacious room. We hope you had a wondeful time using our spa facilities. Indeed we receive many positive comments about it. We are looking forward welcoming you back in the future! King regards, Erzsébet Mányi-Szabó Front Office Manager

Finn (Solo traveller)
27. Jui. 2022
Good: Hotellet som en helhed dejligt personale Bad: Hot
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, We would like to thank you for reviewing Danubius Hotel Hélia based on your recent stay. We are pleased to read that our lovely staff was accomodating and friendly with you! Indeed they deserve all the positive recognition. We will make sure to forward your lovely words to them! We are looking forward welcoming you back again in the future! King regards, Erzsébet Mányi-Szabó Front Office Manager

Anna (Solo traveller)
27. Jui. 2022
Good: Все супер, завтрак хороший, пешая доступность к достопримечательностям, собственная парковка Bad: При бронировании номера 2 взр и ребёнок выпадал только вариант 2 номера, бронировали один и пришлось втроем спать на одной кровати( там две но составлены вместе)
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, We would like to thank you for taking your time to feedback Danubius Hotel Hélia. Thank you for highlighting the good breakfast, the great location and the private parking. We would like to sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused! We hope that you will choose us again in the future! King regards, Erzsébet Mányi-Szabó Front Office Manager

Emanvel (Solo traveller)
26. Jui. 2022
Good: Sehr schönes hote. l preis Leistung stimmt
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, We would like to thank you for your excellent feedback about Danubius Hotel Hélia. We are thrilled that you enjoyed your stay and we have managed to exceed all of your expectations. It is indeed a great pleasure for the whole team! We certainly hope that you will choose us again should your travel plans bring you back to Budapest. King regards, Erzsébet Mányi-Szabó Front Office Manager

Evgueni (Solo traveller)
26. Jui. 2022
Good: Все, только в отзывах пишут что спа термальные это неправда Bad: Все хорошо
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, Thank you for your excellent review you have given about Danubius Hotel Hélia. We are thrilled to read that you had a wonderful time and we have managed to exceed all of your your expectations. We hope you left us with a positive experience and we are looking forward to welcome you back in the future. King regards, Erzsébet Mányi-Szabó Front Office Manager

Vladimira (Solo traveller)
26. Jui. 2022
Good: Úžasná lokalita. Dvacet minut pěšky k parlamentu. Možnost půjčit si koloběžky. Absolutně nejlepší snídaně. Nebyl problém využít bazén s wellness i po odhlášení. Mohu jen doporučit
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, First of all we would like to thank you for taking your time to compose such a rewarding feedback about Danubius Hote Hélia. We are thrilled to read that you were absolutely satisfied with everything. It is always a great achievement when we as a team receive such a positive review. Thank you for highlighting the beautiful location and the rich and tasty breakfast! We are looking forward welcoming you back in the future! King regards, Erzsébet Mányi-Szabó Front Office Manager

Renāte (Solo traveller)
26. Jui. 2022
Good: Lieliska apmešanās vieta ģimenei. Atsaucīgs personāls, izcilas un bagātīgas brokastis. Viesnīca atrodas tuvu apskates objektiem, no numuriņiem paveras skats uz upi un pilsētu. Dienas karstumā iespēja pavadīt laiku hoteļa spa zonā: peldēties baseinos, atvilkt elpu džakuzi vai pirtī, sāls istabā vai vienkārši atpūsties zvilnī sauļošanās terasē. Iespēja ieturēt maltīti viesnīcas bārā - kafejnīcā: arī vietējo virtuvi - pa saprātīgu cenu. Bad: Brokastu desertu piedāvājumā varētu iekļaut arī kādu kūku.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, Please accept our appreciation towards your lovely review about Danubius Hotel Hélia. Reading your words was a great pleasure for the whole team. Thank you for highlighting the rich breakfast, the location and the relaxin spa and swimming pool area. We hope that you had a wonderful time and left us with a positive experience. We are looking forward welcoming you back in the future! King regards, Erzsébet Mányi-Szabó Front Office Manager

Alessandro (Solo traveller)
25. Jui. 2022
Good: posizione e confort Bad: tutto ok
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, Thank you for taking your time to review Danubius Hotel Hélia. We are glad to read that our location was perfect for your stay. Indeed we are very well located and receive many positive comments about it. We hope that you had a pleasant time and enjoyed your stay. We are looking forward welcoming you back in the future. King regards, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Ramona (Solo traveller)
24. Jui. 2022
Good: Top Standort, alles mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln und fußläufig erreichbar. Essen, Frühstück und Abendessen top. Wer da nicht satt wird und zu meckern hat, der sollte zu Hause bleiben. Bad: Es gibt von unserer Seite nichts zu beanstanden.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, We would like to thank you for the excellent review you have given about Danubius Hotel Hélia. We are pleased to read that you were satisfied with everything and we have managed to exceed all of your expectations. Thank you for highlighting the perfect location and the delicious food and drink offers. We are looking forward welcoming you back in the future! King regards, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Agnes (Solo traveller)
24. Jui. 2022
Good: nyugalom volt
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Kedves Vendégünk, Köszönjük szépen, hogy időt szánt a Danubius Hotel Hélia értékelésére. Örömmel tölti el az egész csapatunkat, hogy minden elvárásának meg tudtunk felelni és hogy elégedetten távozott tőlünk. Reméljük, hogy hamarosan ismét vendégeink között köszönthetjük majd. Köszönettel, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Luca (Solo traveller)
23. Jui. 2022
Good: Camera ampia vista Danubio, materasso molto comodo
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, Let us start by thanking you for choosing Danubius Hotel Helia and sharing your experiences with us! We are glad that you were satisfied with our rooms and comfortable mattress. Also, thank you for mentioning the great location, we are really close to many important attractions of the city. Once again thank you for your kind feedback, we are happy that all in all you had this very good experience with us! We hope to see you again! Best wishes, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Raul-alexandru (Solo traveller)
22. Jui. 2022
Good: Clean hotel, good and diversified breakfast, awesome spa, nice restaurant, close to Westend Mall and Nyugati Train Station and awesome view of the Danube from hotel room. Bad: Walls a bit thin, so if you have noisy guests in the room near to yours, you will hear them.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, We would like to say thank you for choosing Danubius Hotel Helia! We are really happy that you chose us and took your time to give us feedback about your experiences! We are glad that you were satisfied with our hotel. thank you so much for highlighting our delicious breakfast with the huge variety. Also, thank you for mentioning our great location in the center of the city. We are extremely happy that you had a nice time here. Once again thank you for this amazing feedback! We can’t wait to see you again! Best wishes, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Inspector (Solo traveller)
21. Jui. 2022
Good: I like this hotel! I awvays back there. Staf is nice, food is good, acomodation is conformable. Én nagyon szeretem itt újra jönni.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, First, we would like to say thank you for choosing our hotel, the Danubius Hotel Helia! We really appreciate that you shared your honest opinion with us about your experiences. Our guest’s feedbacks are really valued, because we learn a lot from them, and we always want to improve. Thank you so much for highlighting our amazing staff. Also, thank you for mentioning how comfortable our rooms are. Furthermore, we are glad that you were satisfied with everything. It makes us happy that you had this fantastic time here! We hope to see you soon! Best regards, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Kwabena (Solo traveller)
21. Jui. 2022
Good: everything about the property is fascinating…I loved it Bad: the room needs improvement in terms of aesthetics
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, We would like to express our thankfulness to you for being so kind as to write a review about Danubius Hotel Helia. We are glad to hear that you were satisfied with our hotel during your trip. We hope your experience will make you want to return and our team will certainly make sure you have another enjoyable time as you just had! Best wishes, Erzsébet Mányi-Szabó Front Office Manager

Kjartan (Solo traveller)
21. Jui. 2022
Good: Morgunverður góður. Flott sundlaug. Flottur bar. Lýsing töff. Garður góður. Auðvelt að fara í strætó. Bad: Poppa upp wc.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, Thank you very much for choosing our Danubius Hotel Helia for your recent city break in Budapest! I hope that you enjoyed your stay in our hotel and that you spent a memorable time here. It is great that we could meet or exceed all of your expectations. Furthermore, I am beyond happy that our great location and the amazing spa area both were to your liking. Also, thanks a lot for your compliments on the delicious breakfast too. We hope to have you back soon at our lovely hotel. Best wishes, Erzsébet Mányi-Szabó Front Office Manager

Christina (Solo traveller)
21. Jui. 2022
Good: Närheten till Donau, badet på bottenplan.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, Please let me begin by thanking you for taking your time on writing us a review. I am thrilled that you decided to stay in Danubius Hotel Helia. Amazingly, you found our spa area and location both excellent. We do hope to have you back soon at our lovely hotel. Best wishes, Erzsébet Mányi-Szabó Front Office Manager

Agnieszka (Solo traveller)
20. Jui. 2022
Good: stosunek ceny do jakosci, czystosc, baseny, posilki Bad: trochę przestarzaly wystroj
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, Thank you very much for being our guest at our lovely Danubius Hotel Helia. I am grateful for taking the time to write such wonderful feedback to us about our amazing hotel. Also, thanks a lot for highlighting the spotless cleanliness, the nice swimming pools as well as our good prices. On behalf of our entire team, we are looking forward to meeting you again. Best wishes, Erzsébet Mányi-Szabó Front Office Manager

Krzys_444 (Solo traveller)
20. Jui. 2022
Good: Wszystko było zgodne z opisem ,bardzo dobra komunikacja z centrum miasta jak i wszelkimi atrakcjami.Autobus trojlebus mają przystanek pod hotelem.Sniadania obfite niczego nie brakowało Bad: Nie było nic takiego
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, Let me express my great thankfulness to you for choosing to stay at our Danubius Hotel Helia and for taking the time to share your lovely review with us and the online community. Special thanks for the maximum scored rates. Also, thank you a lot for highlighting the advantageous location of the property. I hope your ways will lead you back to us in the not-so-distant future! Best wishes, Erzsébet Mányi-Szabó Front Office Manager

Claudia (Solo traveller)
20. Jui. 2022
Good: Micul dejun a fost excelent. Bad: Intr-o camera nu functiona climatizarea.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, To begin with, please let me thank you for taking the time to share your experiences with us about Danubius Hotel Helia. Thanks a lot for your lovely review and also for choosing to stay at our place. Also, I am thrilled that you found our breakfast buffet delicious! It would be nice to be at your service again once your travel plans bring you back to this area. Best wishes, Erzsébet Mányi-Szabó Front Office Manager

Anonymous (Solo traveller)
20. Jui. 2022
Good: room was big and clean nice location Bad: no bidet :)
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, I greatly appreciate the time you took to share this rating with us, after your recent visit to our lovely Danubius Hotel Helia. Also, thank you so much for highlighting the spacious and clean rooms as well as the nice location of the property. We are looking forward very much to greeting you again in our lovely hotel, we will always wait for you with a friendly welcome Best wishes, Erzsébet Mányi-Szabó Front Office Manager

Yvetta (Solo traveller)
19. Jui. 2022
Good: Nádherný výhled z balkonu na Dunaj. Lázně byly příjemné a sluneční terasa pohodlná. Snídaně super. Již pátým rokem jezdíme po hotelech Danubius a nikdy nezklame, rádi se vracíme. Bad: Trochu dále od centra.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, I would like to express my thankfulness to you for being so kind as to write a rating about Danubius Hotel Helia. I cannot be happier by the fact that our pleasant spa area and the delicious breakfast buffet were to your liking. Also, thank you a lot for mentioning the beautiful view from our lovely hotel. Once again, thank you for reviewing our hotel, we are looking forward very much to hosting you again. Best wishes, Erzsébet Mányi-Szabó Front Office Manager

Jelena (Solo traveller)
18. Jui. 2022
Good: Good for this hotel,little a bit old but good.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, Thank you for taking your time to review Danubius Hotel Hélia. We are glad that overall you had a pleasant stay and were satisfied with the service provided. We hope that you will choose us again in the future! King regards, Hotel management

Massimo (Solo traveller)
18. Jui. 2022
Good: Tutto
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, Let us thank you for the rewarding review you have left after staying at Danubius Hotel Hélia.It a pleasure for the whole team to read how much you enjoyed your time with us. We hope you had a great time and left us with nice memories only. We are looking forward welcoming you back again in the future! King regards, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Aleksandra (Solo traveller)
18. Jui. 2022
Good: Great hotel. Nice pools and spa. Breakfast was very good and the dishes in main restaurant were good too. Bad: Breakfast was very good, but the whole impression was spoiled by the waiter service when I asked for an espresso cup - he told that I should drink my espresso in a tea cup! And he didn't give me an espresso cup! It's terrible to drink espresso in a 250ml tea cup! It isn't like a 4 stars hotel!
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, I would like to express my thankfulness to you for taking the time and effort to write feedback about our Danubius Hotel Helia. It is great that you were satisfied with our wonderful spa and pool area! Also, thank you so much for mentioning the delicious food selection too! We hope that your stay was nice and our team would be happy to welcome you to our hotel again in the future! Best regards, Erzsébet Mányi-Szabó Front Office Manager

Ciprian (Solo traveller)
17. Jui. 2022
Good: Mic dejun foarte bun și diversificat, iar piscinele sunt superbe.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, We would like to thank you for choosing to stay at Danubius Hotel Helia as well as for taking the time to share your kind review with us. We are so happy to read that you were totally satisfied with the excellent spa area as well as the delicious breakfast buffet of our hotel. Once again, thank you very much for your feedback, we are looking forward very much to hosting you again here. Best regards, Erzsébet Mányi-Szabó Front Office Manager

Danny (Family with younger children)
16. Jui. 2022
Ældre hotel med 3 pools der er opvarmet i 3 niveauer, man får tilgang til dem gratis, dog deles de af lokale hovedsageligt senior der får deres daglig motion. Ligger tæt på floden men lidt udenfor centrum. Sød personale og udmærket bar med mad. Gode senge for en gang skyld. 50 år gammel hotel så lidt slidt, men ik noget man rigtig mærker. Var fuld ud tilfreds især taget prisen i betragtning.
Source: Hotels.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, I would like to express our thankfulness to you for the high score rating of our Danubius Hotel Helia. I am thrilled for mentioning our excellent bar with delicious food as well as our friendly and helpful staff members. Furthermore, I am beyond happy that all in all you had a great experience in our wonderful hotel! We look forward to seeing you in the nearest future. Best wishes, Erzsébet Mányi-Szabó Front Office Manager

Kabirul (Solo traveller)
16. Jui. 2022
Good: location and views….
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, Thank you very much for choosing our Danubius Hotel Helia for your recent city break in Budapest! I hope that you enjoyed your stay in our hotel and that you spent a memorable time in Budapest. It is great that we could meet or exceed all of your expectations including the great location and the wonderful view from here. Thank you for sharing your experience with fellow travelers and we hope to have you back on another occasion! Best regards, Erzsébet Mányi-Szabó Front Office Manager

Raisa (Solo traveller)
16. Jui. 2022
Good: Very comfortable, good swimming pool, nice restaurant, great parking, pet friendly.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, As a beginning, we want to say thank you for spending your precious time on writing us a feedback. We hope, that you didn’t regret choosing Hotel Helia. Thank you for highlighting the great kitchen and the amazing spa area. We would be honoured if you would choose us again! Yours sincerely, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Csaba (Solo traveller)
15. Jui. 2022
Good: Pekný výhĺad na Dunaj, Výborné raňajky Bad: Dlhé čakanie na recepcii pri príjazde
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, I would like to thank you for choosing to stay at our lovely Hotel Helia as well as taking the time to share your thoughts and experience with us. First of all, I am pleased with the fact that you were impressed by our great location. I genuinely hope that you were enriched by many beautiful memories during the time you spent here. I hope your travel plans bring you back to Budapest soon so we will have the opportunity to be your host again! Best wishes, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

Rasmus (Family with younger children)
15. Jui. 2022
Lækkert hotel. Service er i top. Lækker morgenmad. Lækkert værelse. Spaen er super. Vi kommer helt sikkert igen.
Source: Hotels.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, Thank you very much for being our guest at the lovely Danubius Hotel Helia recently. I appreciate your excellent rating of our hotel. It is promising that you found our wellness area as well as the breakfast selection of our place excellent. Also, thank you so much for your compliments regarding the lovely rooms and our perfect service. Once again, thank you for reviewing our hotel, we are looking forward very much to hosting you again. Best wishes, Erzsébet Mányi-Szabó Front Office Manager

Kim (Solo traveller)
15. Jui. 2022
Good: 생각보다 괜찮은 위치에 강에서 런닝도 할수 있고 , 조식도 맛있어요
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Helia
Dear Guest, Thank you for such a positive review, we are happy that Hotel Helia have met all your expectations. It is great to hear that you enjoyed our great location, which enables our guests to easily discover our beautiful city and also to enjoy the wonderful view. We hope to welcome you back soon. Best regards, Mányi-Szabó Erzsébet Front Office Manager

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