Danubius Hotel Erzsébet City Center ***

Najlepšia voľba pre tých, čo obľubujú nákupy a pre podnikateľov

Od 15:00 hodiny
do 11:00 hodiny

Hodnotenie hotela

Na základe 2990 hodnotení
Služby 4.8
Čistota 4.8
Pohodlie 4.8
Poloha hotela 4.8
Personál 4.8
Pomer ceny ku službám 4.8

Kopcikova (Jednotlivec)
18. Aug. 2024
Good: Výborná lokalita, v blízkosti metro, Lidl, reštaurácie Bad: Sprchovací kút by už potreboval renováciu
Source: Booking.com

Hana (Jednotlivec)
25. Jan. 2024
Good: príjemný, pekný, čistý hotel v blízkosti centra Bad: nemám pripomienky
Source: Booking.com

Iveta (Jednotlivec)
13. Dec. 2023
Good: Bolo veľmin príjemne Bad: Všetko ok
Source: Booking.com

Jaroslava (Jednotlivec)
11. Dec. 2023
Good: Ano Bad: Všetko ok
Source: Booking.com

Kateřina (Jednotlivec)
06. Nov. 2023
Good: Vyborna poloha, v blizkosti metra,centra,vlakoveho nadrazi Bad: Stare zarizeni, styl 90 let.Koupelna uz ma sve nejlepsi roky za sebou
Source: Booking.com

Karolína (Jednotlivec)
28. Okt. 2023
Good: Super lokalita. Pekná izba. Ochotní personál. Uschovanie batožiny na celý deň po odhlásení sa z hotela.
Source: Booking.com

Lukas (Jednotlivec)
07. Okt. 2023
Good: Výborná lokalita, dobre upratané izby,milý personál.
Source: Booking.com

Lucia Fechova (Jednotlivec)
06. Okt. 2023
Poloha bola dobrá všade sme sa dostali pešo, personál super.
Source: Google

MisoHuska (Jednotlivec)
21. Sep. 2023
Good: Skvela lokalita, vyborne ranajky, velmi pohodlne postele
Source: Booking.com

Miroslav (Jednotlivec)
07. Mar. 2023
Good: Super poloha a dostupnosť všade, príjemný personál ochotný vzdy pomôcť, čisté izby, celkovo veľká spokojnosť.
Source: Booking.com

Frantisek (Jednotlivec)
01. Dec. 2022
Good: Ubytovanie v centre mesta. Čistota. Ochota recepcneho. Bad: Príliš mäkké postele. Chýbajúca polpenzia, sú iba raňajky.
Source: Booking.com

Viktória (Jednotlivec)
03. Júl. 2022
Good: Lokalita hotela je super, mali sme to všade blízko. Raňajky boli vynikajúce a personál bol vždy príjemný. Hotel môžeme len odporúčať.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Erzsébet City Center
Dear Guest, We would like to say thank you for taking the time to review our hotel! Thank you very much for giving Danubius Hotel Erzsebet City Center such a nice feedback and rating. We are pleased to read that you were completely satisfied with us! Thank you for highlighting the good location of our hotel. Also, thank you so much for sharing how much you enjoyed our breakfast. Furthermore, we truly appreciate that you shared how satisfied you were with our staff. Thank you for recommending us to others! It was our pleasure to have you here! We look forward to welcome you again! Best regards, Hotel Management

Eva (Jednotlivec)
28. Jún. 2022
Good: Skvela lokalita, hotel ma skromnejsie aj modernejsie izby, vsetko ciste a pohodlne, mily personal. Blizko stoji bus letiskovej linky.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Erzsébet City Center
Dear Guest, Thank you for taking your time to review Danubius Hotel Erzsébet based on your recent stay. It is a great pleasure to read that you were satisfied with everything and we have managed to exceed all of your expectations. Thank you for highlighting the convenient location, the cleanliness and the friendly and helpful staff as well. We are looking forward welcoming you back again in the future! King regards, Hotel management

Marian (Jednotlivec)
27. Mar. 2022
Good: Izba krásna, čista. Poloha hotela na vybornú uplne v centre. Ranajky su fajn postačujuce. Bad: Ked, že sme boli ubytovany na prvom poschodi tak sme počuli cez kupelnu kazdé splachnutie na toalete ubytovanych hostí čo byvali nad nami. Ale dalo sa to prežit.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Erzsébet City Center
Dear Guest, For a start, we would like to thank you very much for devoting a few minutes of your precious time to write down your opinion about Hotel Erzsebet City Center. We are glad to learn from your feedback that you were satisfied with your stay in our hotel. Also, we would like to thank you for highlighting our beautiful rooms, the great breakfast as well as the nice location of our hotel. We truly hope you gained many great memories during your stay in Budapest. It would be nice to host you again in the future, we will always wait you with friendly welcome. Thank you again for your review. Yours faithfully, Hotel Management

Katarína (Jednotlivec)
19. Dec. 2021
Good: Výborná lokalita
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Erzsébet City Center
Dear Guest, Thank you for your valuable feedback. We are delighted to hear that you enjoyed your stay and we appreciate your kind mention of our beautiful location. It filled us with pure happiness that you had a relaxing stay in our hotel. On behalf of our entire team, we cannot wait to welcome you back. Best regards, Hotel Management

Gloria (Jednotlivec)
05. Sep. 2021
Good: výborné raňajky, milý personál, veľmi čisté
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Erzsébet City Center
Dear Guest, May we start with thanking you for taking your time and sharing your experiences with us about Danubius Hotel Erzsébet City Center. It is amazing to read that you highlighted our very kind and helpful staff, they really deserve the recognition. Moreover, it made us glad that you also complimented the rich buffet breakfast we offer to our visitors, our chefs would be surely really happy to read your kind and appreciative words. We hope that you will in fact return to our place. Kind regards, Balázs Réti Front Office Manager

Andrea (Jednotlivec)
14. Aug. 2021
Good: Výborná lokalita v centre, ale zároveň v trochu tichšej časti. Izba fajn, zariadenie možno nie úplne nové, ale všetko bolo čisté a ok. Vaňa, fén, tv, klimatizácia.. Bad: Trochu problém s wifi.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Erzsébet City Center
Dear Guest, Thank you very much for taking the time to review our hotel, and giving us a feedback after your previous stay. We are very happy to hear that you enjoyed your stay and gave us the highest rating possible. Furthermore, thank you for sharing your kind words about our great location and nice room. We are look forward to the opportunity of welcoming you back to Hotel Erzsebet in the very near future, and we are wishing you all the best! Best regards, Réti Balázs Front Office Manager

Lorant (Jednotlivec)
27. Júl. 2021
Good: Vsetko Bad: Vsetko bolo ok
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Erzsébet City Center
Dear Lorant Bergendi, We cannot be happier with the fact that you discovered our lovely Erzsébet Hotel. We are always doing their best to fulfill the expectations of the visitors. We hope that you state us a good choice because the satisfaction of our guests is priority to us. It would be amazing to see you again in or hotel. Kind regards, Réti Balázs Front Office Manager

Andrej (Jednotlivec)
25. Júl. 2021
Good: Lokalita super aj cena a kvalita
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Erzsébet City Center
Dear Guest, Thank you for your amazing feedback. According to your rating I cannot be happier with the fact that you were satisfied with our location, staff and services. I would be truly honoured if you choose us again during your next trip in Budapest! Best regards, Balázs Réti Front Office Manager

Tibor (Jednotlivec)
30. Aug. 2020
Good: dobrá poloha, dobrá cena, dobrá strava,príjemný pocit z pobytu. Bad: V izbe bolo cítit koberce ako by boli staré, alebo to bolo od klimatizácie- taká stuchlina.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Erzsébet City Center
Dear Tibor, Thank you for taking your precious time to review our Danubius Hotel Erzsébet City Center. It is such an honor that you highlighted our great location and good value for money. We are really glad that apart from the small inconvenience, you had a magnificent stay at our hotel. We hope we will have the chance to host you again in Budapest! Best Regards, Balázs Réti Front Office Manager

Anonymous (Jednotlivec)
15. Aug. 2020
Good: 99% veci, hlavne skvely pomer cena/kvalita 😃 Bad: V den odjezdu nas mezi 7,30h az 10h opakovane budil uklidovy personal (asi 4x!!!) klepanim na dvere, prestoze check-out byl az v 11h
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Erzsébet City Center
Dear Anonymous, Thank you for taking your valuable time for sharing your opinion regarding your experience in Danubius Hotel Erzsébet City Center. It brings us a great pleasure that you had a great time with us. On the other hand, we apologize for the inconveniences occurred during your stay. We really hope that we will have the chance to host you again in the future. Best Regards, Balázs Réti Front Office Manager

Peter220793 (Jednotlivec)
16. Dec. 2019
Good: Hotel je na výbornom mieste v odľahlej uličke a pritom uprostred mesta. Recepčnému už na očiach bolo vidno, že má úprimnú radosť, že ste prišli, je zrejmé, že práca ho baví, dokonca rozumel aj mojej angličtine. Všetko potrebné vykonal veľmi rýchlo, s úsmevom a akoby ešte čakal, či nebudete mať nejaké prianie, ktoré by vám rád splnil. Izba bola na 3* hotel obrovská a množstvom interiérového vybavenia, čistá, a tým, že sme boli na 6 poschodí aj tichá, ale to bolo asi aj tou odľahlou ulicou. O čistote možno najlepšie napovie skutočnosť, že biele boli aj spáry medzi obkladačkami v kúpeľni - poviete si, hlúposť, drobnosť, ale pozrite sa doma na svoje.... Veru som si aj povedal, že chvalabohu, že som práve tu a nie kdesi uprostred mesta, kde na zaparkovanie auta môžete zabudnúť, ak, pravdaže, nemáte zbytočné peniaze na garáž. Aspoň sme ušetrené húfy HUF-ov užili na príjemnejšie veci. Bad: Trocha komické boli raňajky. Džúsy z automatu boli riedené ako euro k forintu a chutná saláma a klobáska sa dokladala 5 minút potom, čo v ponuke došli. Verím, že to bolo množstvom práce, nie nebodaj nejakou lakomosťou, pretože tí Maďari sú, medzi nami, neskonale pohostinní, skoro tak, ako sa to (len) hovorí o nás. Neuveríte, ale obyčajné miešané vajíčka boli neskonale chutné, napadlo mi to preto, lebo už som po hoteloch pojedol naozaj všelijaké. Inak pri raňajkách krásny výhľad z útulnej reštaurácie do pokojnej uličky oživoval pohľad na trocha plnšie smetiaky, ktoré sa našťastie onedlho dočkali svojich smetiarov, takže sme cez sklo asi na tri metre mali možnosť oceniť aj verejné služby, za ktoré sme si zaplatili tax. Príďte, zažite to aj vy.
Source: Booking.com

Beat Zehnder (Jednotlivec)
30. Aug. 2024
Super Preis Leistung und tolle Lage. Einrichtung schon etwas in die Jahre gekommen, aber absolut zweckmäßig. Angesichts des Preises ein muss
Source: Google

Josep Maria (Jednotlivec)
28. Aug. 2024
Good: Bones hotel i molt bona situació i també molt tranquil•la Bad: L’espai per esmorzar és molt estret i petit
Source: Booking.com

Ida (Skupina priateľov)
28. Aug. 2024
Good: Posizione fantastica, camera pulita, cambio asciugamani giornaliero. Personale gentile e disponibile soprattutto la sig. Gabriella sempre attenta a tutte le nostre esigenze. Bad: Sì può migliorare la colazione
Source: Booking.com

beat (Jednotlivec)
27. Aug. 2024
Good: Lage extrem gut, ein paar Schritte und man war mittendrin. Sehr gutes Preis/Leistungsverhältnis. Einrichtung zum Teil nicht mehr modern, aber es fehlt an nichts. Ich bin rundum zufrieden. Bad: Eierspeisen beim Frühstück nicht warm genug.
Source: Booking.com

rodolfo piazza (Jednotlivec)
27. Aug. 2024
Hotel highlights: Quiet, Great value
Source: Google

Marco (Jednotlivec)
26. Aug. 2024
Good: ottima colazione e ottima posizione Bad: La Cortesia e l'accoglienza dello staff
Source: Booking.com

Charlie (Jednotlivec)
25. Aug. 2024
Fantastic location for all the sights and close to some great restaurants
Source: Hotels.com

Rosalia (Jednotlivec)
25. Aug. 2024
Good: La reception molto accogliente e gentile. La posizione dell’hotel perfetta, in centro ,m, a piedi si possono visitare tranquillamente i monumenti principali e vicinissimo ai locali per colazioni, pranzi, cene ecc. Vicino anche la metro. Cambio asciugamenti e tappetino giornalieri. Lo consiglio vivamente. Bad: Nulla.
Source: Booking.com

Aurore (Jednotlivec)
24. Aug. 2024
Good: Très bien situé, très propre. Le personnel a l’écoute. Bad: Il n’y a pas de coffre fort dans la chambre.
Source: Booking.com

simona (Jednotlivec)
24. Aug. 2024
Good: Zona cu acces usor , liniste , super locatie. Bad: Patul twin nu este potrivit pentru o persoana inalta .
Source: Booking.com

Irina (Jednotlivec)
23. Aug. 2024
Good: Великолепное расположение отеля: все близко, при этом тихая улица. Завтрак обычный для уровня 3*, все свежее, вкусное. Персонал доброжелательный. В общем, все хорошо. Автобус до аэропорта в 10 минутах ходьбы. Bad: В номере не закрывалось окно. Пришла девушка, попробовала закрыть (хотя я эти окна знаю отлично и сразу поняла, что там поломка). Мне предложили подождать до завтра или перейти в другой номер. Я выбрала новый номер и не ошиблась: вид из окна оказался лучше! А в последний вечер перестал работать холодильник. Но вызывать мастеров я уже не стала. Мне кажется, персонал такие вещи, как окно, должен проверять до заезда гостя, а не после.
Source: Booking.com

Iurii Peev (Jednotlivec)
23. Aug. 2024
Good: Расположение Bad: Не сейфа в номере. Окна очень шумные, ощущение что оно открыто.
Source: Booking.com

TAMIR (Jednotlivec)
23. Aug. 2024
Good: ללא ארוחת בוקר, המלון הזה נפלא, נמצא במיקום מצוין ונותן תמורה מעולה למחיר.
Source: Booking.com

G‍u‍e‍s‍t‍ ‍U‍s‍e‍r (Dvojica)
23. Aug. 2024
Великолепное расположение, отличный завтрак,тихо в номере-окна во двор. Room type: Standard Twin Room
Source: Ctrip

Paul (Jednotlivec)
22. Aug. 2024
Centre of Budapest! All the people working there were so friendly!!
Source: Expedia

HK (Jednotlivec)
22. Aug. 2024
Good: Very good location and hotel
Source: Booking.com

sonia (Jednotlivec)
22. Aug. 2024
Good: breakfast was not abundant especially for Italians but good
Source: Booking.com

Valentina (Jednotlivec)
21. Aug. 2024
Good: Pulita ed in centro Bad: Niente
Source: Booking.com

Chiara Scotti (Jednotlivec)
20. Aug. 2024
Esperienza positiva. Struttura completa, comoda e accogliente. Servizio ottimo.
Source: Google

Cattaneo (Jednotlivec)
20. Aug. 2024
Good: Posizione e hotel ottimi Bad: Hotel un pó vecchio ma nel complesso pulito e centrale
Source: Booking.com

Isa (Jednotlivec)
20. Aug. 2024
Good: A localização era bastante boa. O quarto estava equipado com um frigorífico e as camas eram bastante confortáveis. O pequeno almoço era bastante bom. O quarto não tinha cofre mas existia a possibilidade de guradar as coisas nos cofres de chave dupla no hotel sem qualquer custo e também têm a possibilidade de guardar as malas até ao horário do voo.
Source: Booking.com

The Druid65 (Jednotlivec)
19. Aug. 2024
Good: Location is Excellent. Big spacious rooms.i have stayed at this hotel multiple times and find it good value for the price. Bad: Nothing
Source: Booking.com

Mircea Ovidiu-Nicolae (Jednotlivec)
19. Aug. 2024
Good: It was clean, the breakfast is very good, the location is perfect, in the room you have enough space, the staff was OK. Bad: I booked a twin room and I had the surprise that I received a connected room. I asked them about this problem and they told me that the room is not connected room if the door that is connecting the rooms it is closed and locked with the key.
Source: Booking.com

Marco (Jednotlivec)
18. Aug. 2024
Good: tutto Bad: niente
Source: Booking.com

Dumitrescu (Jednotlivec)
18. Aug. 2024
Good: Poziția Bad: Nimic
Source: Booking.com

Carlos (Jednotlivec)
18. Aug. 2024
Good: Localização muito boa, quarto amplo e confortável
Source: Booking.com

mariani (Jednotlivec)
17. Aug. 2024
Good: ძალიან მოგვეწონა სასტუმრო. საუკეთესო ადგილმდებარეობა, ფეხით შეიძლება მისვლა ყველა ღირსშესანიშნაობამდე. პერსონალი ყურადღებიანი და თბილი. ნომერში სისუფთავეა, კარგად მუშაობს ფენი და კონდიციონერი. ვითხოვეთ დათქმულ დროზე ადრე შესვლა ნომერში, რასაც გულისხმიერად მოეკიდნენ და რამდენიმე საათით ადრე დაგვაბინავეს. მადლობა ამ სასტუმროს საუკეთესო მასპინძლობისთვის. We really liked the hotel. Best location, walking distance to all attractions. Staff attentive and warm. The room is clean, hair dryer and air conditioner work well. We asked to enter the room earlier than the scheduled time, which was kindly accepted and we were accommodated a few hours earlier. Thanks to this hotel for the best hospitality.
Source: Booking.com

ROSA BEATRIZ (Jednotlivec)
16. Aug. 2024
Good: Muy amables el personal la limpieza el lugar cerca de la zona turística con restaurantes y bares comercios supermercado
Source: Booking.com

Oláh (Jednotlivec)
15. Aug. 2024
Good: Kényelmes ágyak, tiszta szoba, nagyon segítőkész kollégák a recepción. Központi helyen van a szálloda. A reggeli finom, bőséges és nagy a választék. Bad: —
Source: Booking.com

PEDRO JOSÉ (Jednotlivec)
15. Aug. 2024
Good: Ubicación
Source: Booking.com

chiara (Jednotlivec)
15. Aug. 2024
Good: La camera confortevolissima, silenziosa, con letto matrimoniale enorme, spazio ampio e aria condizionata. Centralissimo. Bad: Nulla da segnalare
Source: Booking.com

Nadezhda (Jednotlivec)
14. Aug. 2024
Good: Good location, good quality of internet connection. Bad: Small rooms
Source: Booking.com

Grete (Jednotlivec)
14. Aug. 2024
Good: Klassisk, enkelt og erverdig. Beste beliggenhet i Budapest Bad: Bor her ofte, men uten frukost. Den er det einaste eg ikkje har vore nøgd med
Source: Booking.com

Ane (Jednotlivec)
14. Aug. 2024
Good: Muy bien ubicado. Camas cómodas y habitaciones limpias.
Source: Booking.com

Juha Herranen (Jednotlivec)
13. Aug. 2024
Great location, very nice atmosphere
Source: Google

Alexey Nepomnyashchikh (Jednotlivec)
13. Aug. 2024
Great location and breakfast. Staff always friendly
Source: Google

Nancy Maruja (Jednotlivec)
13. Aug. 2024
Good: Gentileza del joven de recepcion en dar informacion para ir a las termas y palacio real, Ubicacion, habitacion y el desayuno
Source: Booking.com

Wei (Jednotlivec)
13. Aug. 2024
Good: Freundlich, Umgebung
Source: Booking.com

Olga Lev (Jednotlivec)
11. Aug. 2024
Брали на 1 ночь перед вылетом с 10-11/08/24, приехали в отель с вокзала рано в 10:00 утра, но работники рецепшн предоставили любезно номер сразу, а не пришлось ждать до 15:00, гостиница очень чистая, в номерах есть все, удобные кровати, лифты работают быстро, в лобби все время питьевая вода для гостей (что очень приятно в летнюю жару) , в номере также ждала бутылка воды. Отель в самом центре , но в номерах тихо, все достопримечательности рядом, очень понравилось, рекомендую! Сервис супер, спасибо 🙏
Source: Google

Johann (Jednotlivec)
10. Aug. 2024
Good: La proximité du centre historique.
Source: Booking.com

Mehmet (Jednotlivec)
09. Aug. 2024
Good: Otel çok merkezi. Heryere çok yakın. Çok temiz ve çalışanlar çok ilgiliydi. Kesinlikle bir daha tercih ederim. Bad: Otel biraz eski gibi görünüyor fakat bir sıkıntısını görmedik.
Source: Booking.com

Rasa (Jednotlivec)
09. Aug. 2024
Good: Gera vieta, švaru, pusryčiai normalūs, kondicionierius. Bad: Trūkumas- garso izoliacija, nes kiekvieną rytą pažadindavo miesto aptarnavimo transpotas (šiukšlių mašina, ar kažkokios remonto mašinos)
Source: Booking.com

Endre (Jednotlivec)
09. Aug. 2024
Good: Superb location, friendly and helpful staff.
Source: Booking.com

Rita (Jednotlivec)
08. Aug. 2024
Good: Struttura pulita, staff molto accogliente, posizione abbastanza centrale
Source: Booking.com

viktor (Dvojica)
08. Aug. 2024
Hotel highlights: Quiet, Great value
Source: Google

dav (Rodina s mladšími deťmi)
08. Aug. 2024
Walkability: Close to all main attractions
Source: Google

Sofia (Jednotlivec)
07. Aug. 2024
Good: Everything was excellent. The hotel has an amazing location. Plenty of stores in a close distance to eat or drink, and also walking distance to main sights. The room was comfortable and spacious (for 3 adults). Breakfast was good.
Source: Booking.com

Paul (Jednotlivec)
05. Aug. 2024
Good: Hôtel très bien placé ! Nous avons pu tout faire à pieds, emplacement idéal ! La chambre est nickel, très propre, la salle de bain très bien, la climatisation est très appréciable ! Bad: Le seul point d’amélioration serait le petit déjeuner, au niveau de la qualité dès ingrédients et pas assez varié.
Source: Booking.com

Antonia (Jednotlivec)
04. Aug. 2024
Good: La situación es perfecta para llegar a cualquier sitio.
Source: Booking.com

SOPHIE (Jednotlivec)
04. Aug. 2024
Good: Hotel proche du centre, station de métro à moins de 500m. Personnel agréable et disponible. Bad: Pour le petit déjeuner il est nécessaire d arriver tôt car pas toujours réapprovisionné. Peu de choix surtout en sucré.
Source: Booking.com

kakhaber (Jednotlivec)
02. Aug. 2024
Good: Staff and room
Source: Booking.com

Janin (Jednotlivec)
02. Aug. 2024
Good: The staff was extraordinarily polite and friendly and very helpful. The beds were very comfortable. The hotel is in very close proximity to the city centre of Pest. There were lots and lots of restaurants and sightseeing spots close by. Bad: I didn't like that a part of the ceiling seemed to be broken and there wasn't a safe in the room. Also the maid didn't seem to clean the floors. The breakfast was charged extra so I preferred to eat in the city. All in all it was a nice room but a bit overpriced regarding the fact that it was old.
Source: Booking.com

ANA (Jednotlivec)
02. Aug. 2024
Good: La ubicación. La atención del personal.
Source: Booking.com

Teodor Ionut (Jednotlivec)
01. Aug. 2024
Good: Locația f centrală. Se poate ajunge foarte ușor pe strada principală Váci utca. Este foarte aproape de Muzeul Național unde am și parcat. Bad: Am rugat să ne dea o cafea contracost (nu am vrut să luăm micul dejun) dar nu a vrut domnul de la recepție.
Source: Booking.com

Nicolas Adolfo (Jednotlivec)
01. Aug. 2024
Good: Vicinanze ai mezzi di trasporto e la posizione in centro
Source: Booking.com

Eleni (Jednotlivec)
01. Aug. 2024
Good: Just IN the centre of the town! Very convenient 😃 Friendly staff
Source: Booking.com

Teodor - Ionut (Dvojica)
01. Aug. 2024
Rooms: Clean and quiet. Good value-for-money-location ratio!Nearby activities: Walk, visitWalkability: It is very central, you can reach Vaci street and very easily you can reach the bank of the Danube. The means of transport with the tourist card are f ok, well organized.The most OK card is the 72 h + (offers the most freebies)
Source: Google

DANILO (Jednotlivec)
30. Júl. 2024
Good: Il personale in hotel è gentilissimo, la struttura è collocata in una posizione centralissima, quartiere elegante, nelle vicinanze ci sono tanti negozi molto interessanti e locali dove consumare ottimi pasti anche a prezzi giusti. Si possono raggiungere alcuni luoghi interessanti anche a piedi.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Erzsébet City Center
Dear Danilo! We highly appreciate your positive feedback. We are glad to see that you have appreciated the location of our Hotel. As we are situated in the heart of the city, the location is one of the biggest attractiveness of Danubius Hotel Erzsébet, we are glad that you experienced the same. Furthermore we thank you for your compliment on our helpful staff. We hope to see you soon again in one of our hotels. Best regards, Szonja B. Danubius Hotel Erzsébet

Mikellidis (Jednotlivec)
29. Júl. 2024
Good: Πολύ καλό
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Erzsébet City Center
Dear Mikellidis! We highly appreciate your positive feedback. It is our great pleasure to see that you enjoyed your time spent in our hotel. We hope to see you soon again in one of our hotels. Best regards, Szonja B. Danubius Hotel Erzsébet

Pavel (Jednotlivec)
28. Júl. 2024
Good: Nejlepší bylo umístění hotelu u metra, kousek od Dunaje a pěkně v centru. Bad: Koupelna by zasloužila renovaci, hlavně sprcha.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Erzsébet City Center
Dear Pavel! Thank you for choosing our hotel. We are happy to read that you had a pleasant stay with us and were pleased with the central location of the hotel! We know that in terms of modernity, our hotel cannot always compete with hotels newly built in recent years. However we are already making plans of the renovation of our hotel in the next years. We hope to welcome you back. Best regards, Szonja B. Danubius Hotel Erzsébet

carin (Jednotlivec)
28. Júl. 2024
Good: Great location, friendly staff, good breakfast, clean rooms
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Erzsébet City Center
Dear Carin! We highly appreciate your positive feedback. It is our great pleasure to see that you enjoyed your time spent in our hotel. We hope to see you soon again in one of our hotels. Best regards, Szonja B. Danubius Hotel Erzsébet

Sagi (Jednotlivec)
27. Júl. 2024
Good: The location is perfect. The rooms are old but the beds are very comfortable Bad: Missing kettle in the room and also the room is a bit old.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Erzsébet City Center
Dear Sagi! We are happy we met your expectations. Thank you for your positive comments. As you mentioned, there is no kettle in the rooms, but on request our colleagues can always prepare it in the room, please feel free to contact us with such a request. We hope you will have a wonderful time with us in the future as well. Best regards, Szonja B. Danubius Hotel Erzsébet

Zoe (Jednotlivec)
27. Júl. 2024
Good: The room was very clean, fresh towels every day! Bed sheets appeared to have been changed after 2 days. The cleaners were polite and efficient.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Erzsébet City Center
Dear Zoe! Thank you for your review. We greatly appreciate your compliments on our friendly and helpful staff and clean rooms. We hope to see you again soon. Best regards, Szonja B. Danubius Hotel Erzsébet

Ernesto (Jednotlivec)
26. Júl. 2024
Good: Ubicación e instalaciones Bad: Personal no muy amigable
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Erzsébet City Center
Dear Ernesto! Thank you for taking the time to write a review. Guest satisfaction is of the utmost importance to our team, and we greatly appreciate your compliments on our central location. Danubius Hotels has always been focused on training the staff continuously in order to provide high quality service and we will continue to do so. We hope to welcome you back the next time you visit Hungary. Best regards, Szonja B. Danubius Hotel Erzsébet

Mark (Jednotlivec)
25. Júl. 2024
Good: המיקום היה מעולה , קרוב לכל מקום . קרוב למטרו. החדר הפינתי היה גדול. ניקו את החדר כל יום והחליפו מגבות Bad: באחד החדרים היה קצת מלוכלך. אחד החדרים המזגן היה חלש .
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Erzsébet City Center
Dear Mark! Thank you for your review. We are glad to see that you have appreciated the location of our Hotel. As we are situated in the heart of the city, the location is one of the biggest attractiveness of Danubius Hotel Erzsébet, we are glad that you experienced the same. If there is a cleaning sign missing you can ask our colleagues to have the room completely cleaned they are always ready to help you. Whether it's for business or leisure, we hope to welcome you back soon. Your recommendation is valuable and means a lot to us. Best regards, Szonja B. Danubius Hotel Erzsébet

Raffaella (Jednotlivec)
25. Júl. 2024
Good: Albergo un po' datato ma pulito in posizione comodissima in centro e anche a pochi minuti a piedi dalla fermata dell'autobus e della metro. Colazione non particolarmente varia ma accettabile. Ci ritornerei Bad: La moquette
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Erzsébet City Center
Dear Raffaella! Thank you for taking the time to write a review. We are glad to see that you have appreciated the location of our Hotel. As we are situated in the heart of the city, the location is one of the biggest attractiveness of Danubius Hotel Erzsébet, we are glad that you experienced the same. We hope to welcome you back the next time you visit Hungary. Best regards, Szonja B. Danubius Hotel Erzsébet

liviu (Jednotlivec)
24. Júl. 2024
Good: Situat în centrul orașului, cu posibilitatea de a vizita puncte turistice frumoase pe jos. Bad: Nu au parcare privată
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Erzsébet City Center
Dear liviu! Thank you for taking the time to write a review. We greatly appreciate your compliments on our central location. Our hotel does not have an own parking, therefore we recommend the Franklin Parking house which is near by the hotel and you need to pay there. This information is available on our online platforms, we are sorry that you only encountered this information upon arrival. We hope to welcome you back the next time you visit Hungary. Best regards, Szonja B. Danubius Hotel Erzsébet

S (Jednotlivec)
24. Júl. 2024
Not the most modern furniture in hotel room but adequate the hotel is literally a few mins walk to the Danube and lots of bars and restaurants on your doorstep. I arrived late about 1am and the dark haired chap on night shift at reception gave me a warm welcome the hotel itself is beautiful staff very relaxed and friendly good house keeping. Breakfast was included all in all would thoroughly recommend this hotel some of the newer hotels have bad reviews about cleanliness you don’t have to worry about that at this hotel.
Source: Google

Danubius Hotel Erzsébet City Center
Dear Guest of Ours, Thank you for sharing your feedback about your stay. We are delighted to hear that you had a memorable experience and received high standard of service. We are glad to see that you have appreciated the location of our Hotel. As we are situated in the heart of the city, the location is one of the biggest attractiveness of Danubius Hotel Erzsébet, we are glad that you experienced the same. Furthermore we thank you for your compliment on the cleanliness of the room. We look forward to welcoming you back soon. Best regards, János R. Danubius Hotel Erzsébet

Krzysztof (Jednotlivec)
23. Júl. 2024
Good: Zdecydowanym plusem hotelu jest jego lokalizacja. Położony w centrum, doskonała komunikacja, metro 300 i 500 metrów od hotelu. Kilka kroków do najbliższego przystanku autobusowego. Zwiedziliśmy kawał Budapesztu nie tracą czasu na dojazdy. Okno wychodziło na podwórko, cisza i spokój pomimo rzeki ludzi na ulicy. Stosunek jakości do ceny rewelacyjny. Biorąc pod uwagę, że wychodziliśmy rano i wracaliśmy póżnym wieczorem hotel jak najbardziej spełnił nasze oczekiwania. Bad: Ciężko napisać coś złego o tym hotelu jeśli się w nim tylko spało. Hotel ma już swoje lata. Może gdyby chcieć przebywać w pokoju to okazałby się za mały i mało komfortowy, ale po co siedzieć w pokoju skoro wokół tyle atrakcji. Złego słowa nie powiem :)
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Erzsébet City Center
Dear Krzysztof! Thank you for taking the time to write a review. We are glad to see that you have appreciated the location of our Hotel. As we are situated in the heart of the city, the location is one of the biggest attractiveness of Danubius Hotel Erzsébet, we are glad that you experienced the same. We hope to welcome you back the next time you visit Hungary. Best regards, Szonja B. Danubius Hotel Erzsébet

Hristo (Jednotlivec)
23. Júl. 2024
Good: Perfect staff and location.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Erzsébet City Center
Dear Hristo, We highly appreciate your positive feedback. It is our great pleasure to see that you enjoyed your time spent in our hotel. It was nice to read that you were satisfied with our staff and location. We hope to see you soon again in one of our hotels. Best regards, Viktoria N. Danubius Hotel Erzsebet

Traveler (Jednotlivec)
23. Júl. 2024
Good location, near metro, market, museum, vaci utca, all walking distance. room was quiet, nice lobby.
Source: Hotels.com

Danubius Hotel Erzsébet City Center
Dear Guest!We highly appreciate your positive feedback. It is our great pleasure to see that you enjoyed your time spent in our hotel.We hope to see you soon again in one of our hotels.Best regards,Szonja B.Danubius Hotel Erzsébet

Nagy (Jednotlivec)
22. Júl. 2024
Good: ---- Bad: ---
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Erzsébet City Center
Dear Nagy, Thank you for taking the time to write a review. We hope to welcome you back the next time you visit Hungary. Best regards, Viktoria N. Danubius Hotel Erzsebet

Gunnarsdóttir (Jednotlivec)
22. Júl. 2024
Good: Nice room small but werry nice and clean Bad: I liked everything but the eldery man whu was checking out,you need to send him on a holyday 😊
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Erzsébet City Center
Dear Gunnarsdóttir, You made our day with your positive feedback. We are so happy to read that you loved our hotel. Thank you for the nice comment, and we hope you will continue to enjoy staying with us in the future. Best regards, Viktoria N. Danubius Hotel Erzsebet

Gabriela (Rodina s mladšími deťmi)
22. Júl. 2024
Good: The room was very clean,large ,the bed was confortable ,near hotel are many restaurants and cafe,location is closed to Erzsebet Hid.We find a parking place in front of the hotel and in week end is free.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Erzsébet City Center
Dear Gabriela! We greatly appreciate your compliments on our central location and we are truly happy that you were satisfied with your stay in overall. We hope to see you soon again in one of our hotels. Best regards, Szonja B. Danubius Hotel Erzsébet

Andrea (Dvojica)
21. Júl. 2024
Good: Det var jätte bra boende och nära alt sköna sängar hjälpsamma personal. Vi var nöjda med alt återkommer gärna i det hör hotellet. Bad: Alt bra mycket bra
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Erzsébet City Center
Dear Andrea, We appreciate your feedback. It means a lot to us that you had a wonderful time in our hotel. Many thanks for the nice comment regarding the comfortable bed and helpful staff. We hope to see you again soon. Best regards, Katalin H. Danubius Hotel Erzsébet

Alexandre (Jednotlivec)
21. Júl. 2024
Good: Le petit déjeuner est copieux, les lits sont confortables, le personnel aimable et l'hôtel est très bien situé. Il y a la climatisation ainsi qu'un frigo dans la chambre. Parfait si vous voulez visiter la ville, parfait si vous voulez profiter de la vie nocturne de Budapest, l'hôtel est à 10mn des bars iconiques comme le Simplz Kert Bad: Ventilation un peu vétuste. RAS sinon
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Erzsébet City Center
Dear Alexandre, You made our day with your positive feedback. We are so happy to read that you loved our hotel. Thank you for the nice comment regarding the comfortable bed, the friendly staff , the central location. Many thanks for your feedback regarding the ventilation in the room. It helps us to make improvements. We hope you will continue to enjoy staying with us in the future. Best regards, Katalin H. Danubius Hotel Erzsébet

Mariia (Jednotlivec)
20. Júl. 2024
Good: The hotel has a great location, everything interesting can be reached on foot. I had breakfast once, but it was tasty, varied, I liked it. The staff were polite, quick to respond to requests.
Source: Booking.com

Danubius Hotel Erzsébet City Center
Dear Mariia, Thank you for taking the time to write a review. Guest satisfaction is of the utmost importance to our team, and we greatly appreciate your compliments on the breakfast and on our friendly and helpful staff. We hope to welcome you back the next time you visit Hungary. Best regards, Bernadett G. Danubius Hotel Erzsébet

Şerife Baykal (Dvojica)
20. Júl. 2024
Eşimle birlikte temmuz ortasında bir gece konakladik. Budapestenin yakıcı sıcağında bir vaha gibiydi :) ekonomik odada konakladik. Odada klima bulunuyor. Gayet geniş bir odaydi ve oldukça temizdi. Otelin çalışanları çok nazikti, check out yapmamıza rağmen bavullarimizi bırakmamıza izin verdiler. Bu bizim için harikaydı. Hotel Highlights: Luxury
Source: Google

Danubius Hotel Erzsébet City Center
Dear Şerife, Thank you for sharing your feedback about your stay. We are delighted to hear that you had a memorable experience and received high standard of service. Our staff works hard to provide a high quality service, so we are more than happy to hear that you found our staff helpful and our rooms cozy. We look forward to welcoming you back soon. Best regards, János R. Danubius HotelErzsébet

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